You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 10 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Eat whatever you ever wanted to; tantalizing even the most obfuscated of your taste buds with the food of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the incessantly nagging planet outside,


Wear whatever you ever wanted to; embellishing every nakedly impoverished cranny of your skin with the fabric of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the disdainfully castigating planet outside,


Dream whatever you ever wanted to; inundating every dormant arena of your brain with the fantasy of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf

ear to the tyrannically overruling planet outside,


Adventure to wherever you ever wanted to; choosing even the most ethereal of destination of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the

truculently slandering planet outside,


Help whosoever you ever wanted to; befriending even the most invisibly cloistered shadow of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the

hedonistically chauvinistic planet outside,


Sketch whatever you ever wanted to; perennially portraying ecstatic beauty of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the

mindlessly monotonous planet outside,


Swim wherever you ever wanted to; coalescing every fragment of your robotically asphyxiating skin into the liquid of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the miserably enslaved planet outside,


Wink at whatever you ever wanted to; flirtatiously signaling to the mischievous entity of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the tawdrily incarcerating planet outside,


Cry for whatever you ever wanted to; uninhibitedly letting golden globules of tear cascade down your cheeks for the organisms of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the indiscriminately insurgent planet outside,


Yearn for whatever you ever wanted to; inexhaustibly wanting to replenish even the most infinitesimal pore of your flesh with the fantasies of your very own and

sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the ominously conventional planet outside,


Fight for whatever you ever wanted to; entirely extinguishing even the last shadows of your life for the things of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the lackadaisically wailing planet outside,


Write whatever you ever wanted to; unceasingly embellishing even the most obliterated bits of virgin paper with the words of your very own and sole choice;

wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the vindictively victimizing planet outside,


Invite whatever you ever wanted to; tirelessly harboring even the most evanescent ounce of happiness of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the diabolically parasitic planet outside,


Defeat whatever you ever wanted to; undyingly trouncing over even the most parsimoniously fleeting devils of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely

paying a deaf ear to the satanically demented planet outside,


Evolve whatever you ever wanted to; spawning into the most astoundingly inimitable fecundity of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the viciously penalizing planet outside,


Sing whatever you ever wanted to; unabashedly perpetuating every bit of the atmosphere with the tunes of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the unsparingly slandering planet outside,


Silence whatever you ever wanted to; indefatigably numbing countless devilish mouths of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the

nonsensically wanton planet outside,


Breathe whatever you ever wanted to; relentlessly flooding the jacket of your quintessential lungs with the vibrations of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the loquaciously pugnacious planet outside,


Believe in whatever you ever wanted to; indelibly worshipping the Omnipotent powers of your very own and sole choice; wholesomely paying a deaf ear to the

fecklessly ostracizing planet outside,


But if you really wanted to feel the most unconquerably priceless entity on this boundless Universe; then love only that girl who loved you more than you could ever love  your very own life; wholesomely surrendering even the most transient element of your heart; body and soul; for her to immortally bond with; whenever she wished; whenever she unflinchingly liked .