You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 10 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Every of my unbelievably ardent kiss fell on her sensuously reinvigorating lips; and each ecstatically fiery kiss of hers too; fell more fervently than ever before; on mine.


Every  of my sensuously untamed sweat drop fell on her effulgently golden skin; and each uninhibited sweat drop of hers too; fell more uncontrollably than ever before; on mine.


Every of my resplendently ebullient tear fell on her pristinely inimitable chin; and each victorious tear of hers too; fell more beautifully than ever before; on mine.


Every of my intrepidly unhindered muscle fell on her artistically ameliorating shoulders; and each triumphant muscle of hers too; fell more symbiotically than ever before; on mine.


Every of my unstoppably philandering finger fell on her voluptuously naked back; and each wandering finger of hers too; fell more amazingly than ever before; on



Every of my eternally mellifluous song fell on her ravishingly enamoring ears; and each majestic song of hers too; fell more ardently than ever before; on mine.


Every of my panoramically fructifying fantasies fell on her tantalizingly nubile skin; and each iridescent fantasy of hers too; fell more insuperably than ever before; on mine.


Every of my fierily proliferating desires fell on her seductively rubicund cheeks; and each passionate desire of hers too; fell more unconquerably than ever before; on mine.


Every of my jubilantly intricate eyelashes fell on her poignantly venerated forehead; and each rousing eyelash of hers too; fell more magnetically than ever before; on mine.


Every of my harmoniously crimson blood drop fell on her irrefutably royal destiny lines; and each blossoming blood drop of hers too; fell more unassailably than ever before; on mine.


Every of my spectacularly fertile ingredient fell on her magically barren crevices of love; and each Omnipotent fertile ingredient of hers too; fell more vociferously than ever before; on mine.


Every of my unshakably everlasting embrace fell on her splendidly redolent hips; and each timeless embrace of hers too; fell more infallibly than ever before; on mine.


Every of my brazenly dancing hair fell on her enigmatically bountiful neck; and each vivacious hair of hers too; fell more poignantly than ever before; on mine.


Every of my impeccably heartfelt ideology fell on her synergistically emancipating soul; and each unflinching ideology of hers too; fell more unsurpassably than

ever before; on mine.


Every of my inevitably irrevocable destiny line fell on her fabulously quavering chest; and each spell binding destiny line of hers too; fell more euphorically than

ever before; on mine.


Every of my unabashedly humanitarian element fell on her innocuously divine feet; and each benign humanitarian element of hers too; fell more unbeatably than

ever before; on mine.


Every of my incredulously enchanting shadow fell on her blessedly rejuvenating countenance; and each vivid shadow of hers too; fell more tenaciously than

ever before; on mine.


Every of my immortally truthful heartbeat fell on her pricelessly inimitable bosom; and each subliming heartbeat of hers too; fell more faithfully than ever before; on mine. 


And as all this blissfully unfurled; there insuperably sparked such a perpetually rekindling electricity in even the most dreariest speck of this Universe; that

every true lover on this altruistic earth; heaven or hell; was perennially gifted by the Omniscient Lord; an infinite more compassionate lives and lifetimes .