You could take away all my fingers; mercilessly feeding them to the unfathomable horde of satanic wolves; immediately after,
But I would still pray to you cupping my blissfully pudgy palms; unrelentingly admiring the astounding versatility of your enamoring creation; O! Almighty
Lord .
You could take away all my toes; barbarically evaporating them into the aisles of worthless nothingness,
But I would still pray to you standing on the heel of my rudimentary feet; intransigently saluting the celestially panoramic silhouette of your insurmountably colossal Universe; O! Almighty Lord .
You could take away both my pairs of lips; disastrously penalizing their poignant pink; with infinitesimal chunks of sordid mud,
But I would still pray to you tenaciously mumbling with my rustically indigenous jaws; staring in profound adulation of your poignantly vivacious timelessness; O! Almighty Lord .
You could take away every ingredient of my scarlet blood; sprinkling the same in torrential spurts over; nonchalantly lackadaisical globules of acrimoniously
sweltering; desert soil,
But I would still pray to you superbly synchronizing my profusely impoverished caricature; incessantly stopping down in due humility of your unconquerably Omnipotent power; O! Almighty Lord .
You could take away all my voice; abominably blending each euphorically mesmerizing sound of mine; into the valley of despicably slandering nothingness,
But I would still pray to you; unflinchingly meditating in my mind; marvelously kissing every rhapsodically ebullient element of your priceless creation; O! Almighty Lord .
You could take away both my shoulders; wholesomely squelching them to inconspicuous sawdust; before hurling them towards the famished fleet
of; menacingly growling crocodiles,
But I would still pray to you; dexterously bending my feet in due obeisance of your; resplendently everlasting aura which united all mankind; O! Almighty Lord .
You could take away both my eyes; gruesomely divesting me of even the most inconspicuously ethereal shade of light; for the remainder of my long life,
But I would still pray to you; perceiving the mantra of holistic existence humbly in the corridors of my tiny brain; altruistically praising your Omniscient radiance to one and all on this fathomless planet; O! Almighty Lord .
You could take away every iota of my breath; satanically thrusting me to boundless kilometers beneath my despondently ghastly corpse,
But I would still pray to you; scrupulously reminiscing all my fantastically exuberant moments on mother earth; supremely idolizing your Omnipresent grace as the sole panacea to harmoniously survive; O! Almighty Lord .
And you could take away whatever you wanted from this penuriously grotesque caricature of mine; metamorphosing me entirely into the exact color of dust that you wanted; O! Almighty Lord; but I humbly request you to spare my passionately palpitating heart,
As in its center existed the perennially vibrant melody of my immortal Beloved; whose invincible fragrance imparted me the fortitude to confront even a countless deaths in this single birth of mine; and for whose divinely form; I could relinquish this very moment; a countless more lifetimes .