You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 11 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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When I was sleeping blissfully on my bed; she came intermittently in my dreams,

And as I emitted my first thunderous yawn after awakening; the dainty outlines of her visage last night struck me like bolts of lightening.


When I just bathed my disheveled persona; taking stupendous care to evacuate the last bit of dirt adhering to my eardrum,

The scent of her body tingled me beyond the point of no control; and a sly smile crept viciously across the contours of my lips.


When I thought of starting from home; her dwelling seemed far away; with

several barricades separating us,

The summit of her building seemed like an ephemeral glimpse of my memory;

with a desire to meet her heavily stifled due to the long distance.


When I just kicked my scooter to commence on my expedition; my heart throbbed a little,

And there was a profound glimmer of hope in my eyes; that I might salvage a

chance to meet her.


When I hit the streets; traversing leisurely lost in the enchantment of the mystical surroundings,

Her voice seemed to stimulate my nerves; and the ravishing silhouette of her eyelashes propeled me to increase my speed a trifle further.


When I had to stand still in the traffic; with the lights changing brusquely to red,

I wildly tried to cognize our last conversation; in the midst of chaotic pandemonium of blaring horns and exhaust smoke.


When I met her friends in the way, I gave a peevish smile; with a tiny wave of my hands,

Tried to visualize the infinite aspects which made my beloved more beautiful than

her spuriously attired mate.


When I was extremely near her lawns; the blocks of her edifice now prominently visible to my eye,

The blood in my veins ran faster; and buckets of perspiration trickled down my

nape in rapid succession.


And when I reached her doorsteps; the caress of her doorbell at whisker lengths from my hands,

That was the moment; when I swooned on the floor in sheer ecstasy; and before I could knock on the wood; her mesmerizing forehead appeared before me; and her breath bonded perpetually with mine.