You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 11 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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When I thought of philandering with her high on the summit of the Himalayas; feeling the icy winds dash past my stomach,

All that happened in the end was that; I ended up taking her out for a cup of sedate tea; the instant I met her.


When I thought of kissing her wildly on her cheeks; making exotic noises while executing the same,

All that happened in the end was that; I found myself seated in front of her in the bullock cart; playing a pack of cards.


When I thought of drenching myself with her; profusely in the rain,

All that happened in the end was that; I found myself crunching chocolate biscuits staring desperately into open space.


When I thought of embedding a redolent rose in her hair; letting the dense ensemble of flower tickle me voraciously on my lashes,

All that happened in the end was that; I found myself watering the lawns with her; the rusty lawn sprinkler sedately held in my hands.


When I thought of bathing under the fountains with her; splashing her visage with tangy cold drink diffusing from my mouth,

All that happened in the end was that; I found myself shopping with her in the grocery store; searching frantically for a pack of soggy matchsticks.


When I thought of painting her enamouring visage; instructing her to sit mute without even budging a trifle from her place,

All that happened in the end was that; I found myself lighting a candle in the church; intensely listening to the admonitions of the priest.


When I thought of applying honey on her lips; before greedily slurping the same from the periphery with my tongue,

All that happened in the end was that; I found myself tenaciously pulverizing medicinal herbs; to blend in the water she had to consume after her nocturnal supper.


When I thought of embracing her tightly; in an ambience encapsulated with walls of frozen ice,

All that happened in the end was that; she slapped me thunderously on my chin; for gawking at her open eyed in brilliant sunlight and afternoon public.


When I thought of blowing air from my nostrils into her ears; flooding them mercilessly with melodious tunes emanating from my mouth,

All that happened in the end was that; she engaged me in the task of swapping every mosquito hovering around her face.


But it was only when I thought of proposing her; audaciously proclaiming in front of the society as to how much I loved her,

Was that she smiled at me for the first time; fell in a celestial stupor on my feet; running her hands wildly across the strands of my hair; tears of joy gushing down her cheeks and at the same time staring deeply into my eyes; scolding me for hiding my love till today; telling me candidly that it could have been now or never .