You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 11 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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It was impossible to clap with a single palm; no matter how turbulently I swished it in the air,

So in order that sound be produced and noise be heard; both my palms needed to come abysmally close and strike.


It was impossible to run with a single leg; no matter how much passion I ignited in my eyes,

So in order to win the race with nonchalant ease; both my legs needed to caress the ground; and then sprint like a panther towards the finishing line.


It was impossible to see with one eye; no matter how far I stretched and revolved it without respite,

So in order to sight the entire universe; profoundly admire mesmerizing beauty on this planet; both my eyes needed to move in harmony; and capture living organisms alive.


It was impossible to hear with a single ear; no matter how alert I kept it all throughout the night,

So in order to catch each intricate voice existing; coherently decipher the mystical tunes of life; both my ears needed to pop up in exhilaration; hear the far cries

before anyone else might.


It was impossible to breathe with a single nostril; no matter how hard I tried to avoid being suffocated; even with gusty bellow of wind blowing by,

So in order to blissfully inhale pristine air in vicinity; sleep like a king under the stars; both my nostrils needed to suckle in breeze and blend with the ravishing night.


It was impossible to eat food from only one corner of the mouth; no matter how incorrigibly I tried to used teeth protruding from that side,

So in order to chew the most succulent of meals; digest the most voluptuous of leaf; both my cheeks needed to participate in the process; devouring food; water and sweets with supreme contentment.


It was impossible to write with one finger; no matter the infinite number of times I tried to hoist the jewel studded pen,

So in order to emboss boundless lines of literature; inundate every nook and cranny of white paper with exquisite calligraphy; both my fingers needed to dance in synchronization; race with pleasure to express their might.


It was impossible to kiss with only one lip; no matter how dexterously I tried to rub it against my beloved,

So in order to trigger off flames of desire; exult in the aisles of fiery romance; both my lips needed to move in fervor; explore the sweetness and taste of offered by



And It was impossible for me on my own to evolve another of my kind; no matter how many prayers and penance I offered to the Almighty,

So in order to procreate my progeny; and keep the world forever moving; both me and my wife needed to blend together into chords of perpetual love; to ensure that the world never ended; and there was always someone at some point in time; breathing alive .