You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 11 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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If you were going to slap her in the face while she was sleeping under the stars; slap me instead,


If you were going to brutally maim her when she tripped from the 90th floor of the building; maim me instead,


If you were going to make her blind as she inadvertently pierced the sewing needle into her eyes; blind me instead,


If you were going to starve her for food as she faltered to earn her livelihood in this uncouth society; starve me instead,


If you were going to make her unconscious as her neighbors poisoned the water she daintily gulped; make me unconscious instead,


If you were going to chop her fingers when the thieves marauding the house committed the heinous crime; chop my fingers instead,


If you were going to make her perpetually dumb as she attempted to sing; make me dumb instead,


If you were going to burn her to ashes when the miscreants on the street drenched her body with a tank inundated with kerosene; burn me instead,


If you were going to make her fall from the pinnacle of the gigantic mountain as she mercilessly slipped after reaching the top; make me fall instead,


If you were going to evoke unrelenting tears from her eyes as her close siblings perished in a car accident; make me cry instead,


If you were going to overwhelmingly embarrass her as she hid her face embedded with pimples amidst her friends; embarrass me instead,


If you were going to make her abdicate her memory as she unfortunately struck her head against a bed of obdurate stones after falling down; make me lose my memory instead,


If you were going to reduce her to infinite pieces of mincemeat after the lion savagely attacked her in the forests; slaughter me to a billion pieces instead,


If you were going to leave obnoxious elements loitering on the deserted roads to stare at her with lecherous desire; leave them on me instead,

If you were going to trap her between colossal chunks of concrete and rusted metal as her house came crashing down in the tumultuous earthquake; pulverize my house and trap me instead,


If you were going to drown her in the swirling and ferocious waves of the ocean after the whale overtoppled her boat; drown me to the bottom instead,


If you were going to give her inexplicable mental trauma each day making her stutter for words she once spoke with authority and pride; traumatize and madden me instead,


If you were going to make her lie in a pool of ghastly blood by the riverside as the pugnacious rays of the Sun wholesomely took upon their toll; make me ooze a

sea of blood instead,


And if you were going to snatch her away from the surface of this earth forever closing the chapter of her existence; snatch me instead; as if you didn’t do

so Almighty Lord; then you would be taking two lives at a time; as I would inevitably join her in heaven a few moments after; whether you wanted or didn’t want me too .