You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 11 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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The most treasured thing for an ocean; was its unending flurry of swirling waves,


The most treasured thing for a bird soaring astronomically high in blue sky; was her clusters of eggs handsomely stacked in the nest,


The most treasured thing for the ominous network of black clouds; was its king sized droplets of revitalizing rain,


The most treasured thing for the majestic lioness; was her tiny and mischievous little cub sleeping innocently in the den,


The most treasured thing for the eyeball; was its glistening coat of moisture; shimmering splendidly under the blazing Sun,


The most treasured thing for a cup of sizzling coffee; was its tantalizing and rejuvenating aroma,


The most treasured thing for a scorpion jumping in spurts through the bushes; was its hostile and deadly pugnacious sting,


The most treasured thing for a conventionally embellished telephonic contraption; was its loud and melodious series of rings,


The most treasured thing for a fat biscuit of gold; was its perpetual glow that emanated even in the most dullest of light,


The most treasured thing for the lips; was the kiss received from the person they solely loved and revered,


The most treasured thing for a sheet of bonded paper; was the sensitive lining of words that imparted paramount importance to its otherwise vacant persona,


The most treasured thing for a blanket of stars studded in the plain cosmos; was its resplendent shimmer that cast a spell on anyone beneath it,


The most treasured thing for a cacophonic bee buzzing rampantly around in free air; was its serrated hives replete and oozing with stupendously golden wells of honey,


The most treasured thing for a destitute freezing to the point of extinction in the disastrous cold of winter; was the photo of his God held intimate and close to his heart; with a wistful glimmer of hope lingering profoundly in his famished eyes,


The most treasured thing for the bespectacled teacher; was her colossal reservoir of knowledge which she judiciously disseminated amongst a varied array of students,


The most treasured thing for the hollow armpits; was a passionate stream of silver sweat which flowed all around the clock,


The most treasured thing for the tongue; was its eloquent speech; the infinite bundles of currency it was able to generate; by adeptly captivating the opposite party,


The most treasured thing for the mother; was her baby bouncing flirtatiously in her compassionately and invincible arms,


The most treasured thing for Almighty God; was all his disciples; each of the tangible and intangible form that he had evolved to live on this earth,


And the most treasured thing for my heart; was her love; drowning myself wholesomely into the enchantment of her eyes; blending each beat of mine with hers for infinite more births to unveil .