You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 11 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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How does it matter even if there was no shoe on my feet; incongruous nails portrayed a ghoulish and miserable picture of mine?

How does it matter even if there wasn't a penny in my pocket; the last shelf of my wallet was inundated with nothing else; but pure sand?

As long as she was sitting beside me; the mesmerizing

ensemble of hair tickled my starved lips and cheeks. 


How does it matter even if my clothes smelt of pugnacious onion; every corner of the garment I wore was replete with stains of obnoxious oil?

How does it matter even if the only scent that emanated from my body was one of dry sweat; the only pillow I had was that composed of truck tyre rubber?

As long as she was sitting beside me; whispering enchanting secrets of her childhood mystically into my ear. 


How does it matter even if the watch I wore on my wrists didn’t function; there was cowdung coated on my palms instead of the lines of my destiny?

How does it matter even if the tunnels of my eardrum were filled with chunks of loose mud; and I turned a deaf to the voice of the world?

As long as she was sitting beside me; flirtatiously pinching my nose; telling me that I was beautiful. 


How does it matter even if the first two teeth of my jaws were broken in a fight; fathomless granules of pertinent dandruff grew mercilessly in my scalp?

How does it matter even if my speech faltered every instant; with my abashing inability to please anybody in the first instant?

As long as she was sitting beside me; drowning me wholesomely into the ocean of fiery passion circulating wildly in her eyes, 


How does it matter even if I didn’t roam about in bombastic cars; hadn't the capacity to buy even a tricycle with rusty wheels?

How does it matter even if I was gruesomely uncivilized in my actions; not being able to eat with an array of glistening spoon and fork?

As long as she was sitting beside me; entwining her fingers in mine to support me wherever I went. 


How does it matter even if I hadn't a roof to live under; kept gazing at the sky for hours immemorial?

How does it matter even if I had no soap to bathe my skin; splashed water on my skin swimming with the fish instead?

As long as she was sitting beside me; making me laugh uncontrollably with her innocuous gestures and the mischievous cadence in her voice. 


And how does it matter even if I was the poorest man of this earth; with the Creator blessing everybody else except me with mountains of gold and silver?

And you tell me how does it matter even if I had nobody to believe me; people shunting away from me wherever I put my foot on this soil?

As long as she was sitting beside me; blending her breath entirely with mine; taking an oath to spend infinite more lives with me together .