You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 11 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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A plethora of dark veined leaves; whispered frantically to the silhouette of plum tree, To stand like a mountain in turbulent winds; not to succumb even when its roots were attacked by parasite. 


Mammoth sculptured blue bodied whales; whispered fervently to the saline ocean, 

To drench their silken skin entirely with salt; gratify their gluttony with scores of sumptuous fish. 


Scorched sands of the colossal desert; whispered abusively to sapphire puffs of clouds,  

To unrelentingly rain; transforming their impoverished soul into one with bountiful water. 


The venomous form of rustic jungle spider; whispered incorrigibly to the threads in its intricate web,  

To bear it's weight for times immemorial; entangling in a vise like grip; a battalion of succulent insect. 


The obdurate stones strewn incoherently on the ground; whispered to passing pedestrians,  

To trample they walked; pleading with the bystanders to kick them into remote corners of oblivion. 


Dry sticks of trimmed lumber; whispered intermittently to steaming flames of fire, 

To incinerate them thoroughly; transforming their composite proportion into frugal heaps of burnt chowder. 


The newly born mammalian sibling; whispered pleadingly to its mother,  

To feed it's famished lips; with perennial supply of salubrious milk.


The sealed demeanor of stamped envelope; whispered nostalgically in the ears of the postman,  

To deliver it without further delay; into the safe hands of the person it belonged. 


A fleet of orphans in the sanatorium; whispered inevitably to God,  

To reveal traces of their loved ones; unite them as one again; to bring back lost anecdotes of supreme felicity. 


The articulately carved key; whispered sonorously to the lock,  

To accommodate it with nonchalant ease; opening without apprehensions the moment it caressed its periphery. 


My tangible heart at the end of the monotonous day; whispered to my soul,  

To grant it reprieve from misdeeds inadvertently committed in the day; forgive it for all the evil it harnessed.


And the omniscient aura of  God; whispered philanthropically to all his fellow beings inhabiting the earth,  

To extend comforting arms towards those in distress and pain; profoundly master the art of perpetual love.