You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 12 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Thank you for providing your shoulder; for me to lean upon in my times of inexplicable distress,


Thank you for wiping my tears; when they oozed out profusely all day and night,


Thank you for camouflaging my skin under your garment; when it was wholesomely helpless and unable to face this world,


Thank you for whispering into my ears words of courage and fortitude; when the infiltrators were just about to barge into my camp,


Thank you for standing by my stubborn attitude; sticking to my ideals; even though it meant sacrificing precious years of your life,


Thank you for serving me with appetizing delicacies; preparing food for me according to my whims; even at the middle of freezing night,


Thank you for consoling me incessantly; when dawn seemed far away; and when success was just a short-lived night,


Thank you for pacifying my anger; when in fact if you didn’t; I would have landed in prison for assassinating lecherous mankind,


Thank you for caressing my raw bruises with your soft palms; impregnating in them the divine power to heal at amazing speeds,


Thank you for tolerating my flirtatious tendencies; still accepting me as your husband; inspite of my philandering whenever I got the chance,


Thank you for assisting me in taking the most prudent decision; clutching my body tightly when I felt I would swoon like dead fish on the ground,


Thank you for shaving off unruly strands of beard from my cheek every morning; massaging my scalp vigorously to impart me with Godly rejuvenation,


Thank you for patiently listening to my rebukes; cooling my frazzled senses with the ointment of your romance,


Thank you for keeping our house meticulously clean; spreading the tantalizing perfume of your passionate breath in every corridor that I tread,


Thank you for bearing my progeny; helping me continue my chapter of existence; even decades after I died,


Thank you for making me feel like a man; everytime I felt cowardly; thought

of relinquishing this world,


And over and above all thank you for making all my dreams come true; inspiring me to become what the world recognized me today; a good father; a good individual; and most importantly a good human being; to light several other's gloomy day .