You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 12 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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When I was driving my car through the meandering hills; feasting on the

panoramic view of the mystical valley,

The thing I hated the most was a incessant flurry of dense traffic; halting

the unprecedented flow of fantasy in my mind. 


When I was swimming exuberantly in frothy waves of the ocean; taking the

sizzling rays of the sun directly on my skin,

The thing I hated the most was the onslaught of inclement weather; compounded

with swirling waters; which made me return back to the shore. 


When I was studying diligently under the gloomy night lamp; pouring rapidly

through infinite lines of fine script,

The thing I hated the most was pertinent voices of the neighbors; the discordant cacophony of the ticking clock. 


When I was jogging across the sprawling race track; stupendously relishing the

cool morning breeze striking my eyes,

The thing I hated the most was obnoxious wisps of smoke in the atmosphere; and

the lace of my shoe getting entangled every now and then. 


When I was painting exquisite shapes of the hill on a white canvas; executing

vivacious strokes with my rustic brush,

The thing I hated the most was blotches of squalid dirt smudging with the

color; pelting showers of rain prompting me to conceal my work. 


When I was fervently viewing my favorite television program; with my feet well

rested; and a festoon of fried chips lying by my side,

The thing I hated the most was violent fluctuation in voltage; which caused

the images to ludicrously flicker in the screen. 


When I was consuming a barrel of red wine; slurping the elixir with animated

sips of satisfaction,

The thing I hated the most was the authorities catching me red handed; evacuating the alcohol out of me; by beating me black and blue. 


When I was playing an intense game of chess; articulately maneuvering my

pieces through the checkered squares,

The thing I hated the most was illegal moves by my opponent; which eventually

led him to win the game. 


When I was about to commence on an adventurous expedition; accompanied

by hordes of my class mates,

The thing I hated the most was intermittent bouts of cold and fever; which

instigated my parents to incorrigibly hold me back. 


When I was earnestly praying to the almighty; with my arms crossed; eyes

focused in tumultuous concentration,

The thing I hated the most was uncouth criminals bombarding the vicinity;

permeating the sacrosanct ambience with ghastly sounds. 


And when I was with my beloved; my face nestling passionately against her

broad shoulder,

The thing I hated the most was orthodox society hindering our romance; proving

a deplorable barricade in the path of our immortal love.