You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 12 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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When they tied me in ropes of slender steel; mercilessly cupping my hands in an airtight embrace,

I felt submerged by disparaging despair in the beginning; although after a while I used my ingenuity and managed to wriggle out completely free from my bondage.


When they wound me in ropes of sparkling diamonds; the acerbic edges of stone

pricked me severely in my veins,

I was a blend of tribulation and supreme rhapsody at witnessing the jewels; although after a few hours I astutely succeeded to chisel the same and hastily absconded.


When they strangulated me in ropes of threadbare rubber; securely tying my hands and feet,

I felt the breath imprisoned in my chest stifling every unleashing minute; although I somehow achieved to find a rusty knife; eloped like the frisky giraffe after chafing my ropes.


When they enmeshed me in ropes of acrimonious thorns; the stinging nettles made me profusely bleed,

I felt an obfuscated blur encircle my eyes; although after a few determined gasps; I opened my barricades insurmountably flexing my muscles; and decamped surreptitiously via the boundless ocean.


When they tethered me uncouthly in ropes of live snakes; with the hooded monster snaring its venomous fangs on my cheek,

I felt an armory of Goosebumps creep up on my skin; sweat dribbling like torrential rain from my body; although in the end I was able to defeat my lethal adversary; and fled for my life as fast as those tiny legs of mine could carry me.


When they enslaved me in ropes of thick tree roots; a plethora of worms and

pugnacious ants crawled on my body from the same,

I initially felt miserable with the insects abhorrently tickling my flesh; although a few minutes of intense contemplation; I was able to unwind the knots; and galloped as speedily as I could from the dense jungle.


When they captivated me in ropes of blistering iron; stuffing my mouth with

tons of fetid cotton,

I thought this was going to be my last day of holistic survival; although within seconds I discovered a gas stove nearby; judiciously used the flames to snap open my chains and then transgressed through the heavy door to escape.


When they incarcerated me in ropes of coarse cloth; hanging me upside down

with my feet tautly kissing the tall ceiling,

I started perceiving the world as being grotesquely distorted; although after a few breaths I used my teeth to acrobatically open my chords; and fled the disdainful scenario; leaping through partially open window.


When they bound me in ropes of crude glass pieces; stripping every bit of cloth from my persona,

I felt a stream of fresh blood oozing incessantly from my raw wounds; although I still managed to break free vehemently flinging the pointed shards from my arms.


And eventually when they imprisoned me in the "rope of love "; with my beloved lying blissfully by my side,

I endeavored as hard as possible to scamper away; but this time though the mesmerizing essence of her entity; the invincible power of her devotion for my

being; held me incorrigibly on the ground; to bask for centuries unprecedented

in the glory of her widespread arms .