You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 12 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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When I first saw her; I felt tremors of unparalleled excitement euphorically enshroud me; till the very last bone of my spine,

While today when we had perpetually coalesced in threads of immortal love;  I had not even the most infinitesimal iota of fear; as I willingly surrendered myself to the most ghastliest of death .


When I first saw her; I felt unsurpassable torrents of ecstatic rhapsody tingle me till times beyond blissful eternity; as I uncontrollably slithered in the clouds of timelessly endless desire,

While today when we had perennially bonded in flames of impregnable love; I philandered without even the tiniest of circumspection in my eyes; ready any instant for the most torturously truculent of death .


When I first saw her; I felt unfathomable infernos of exuberance envelop every ingredient of my scarlet blood; as I unrelentingly envisaged the compassionate

magic of her sensuously ravishing caress,

While today when we had invincibly bonded in mists of bountifully unassailable love; I smilingly invited the corpse of traumatic death; unflinchingly bonding my spirit with the Omnisciently divine .


When I first saw her; I felt like the most majestic prince on this colossal earth; fabulously romanticizing in the realms of stupendous aristocracy and tantalizing passion,

While today when we had unshakably blended in the entrenchment of mesmerizing love; I trespassed even the most acrimonious fires of hell barefooted; liberating my mind; body and spirit; in wholesome entirety .


When I first saw her; I felt as if all enchantingly blooming goodness of the gigantic planet; had been sumptuously bestowed on my impoverished lap,

While today when we had irrefutably intermingled in the tunes of gorgeously everlasting love; I selflessly relinquished every organ of my body for all bereaved

humanity; asking the devil to squelch me instead .


When I first saw her; I felt insatiably untamed whirlpools of longing profusely encapsulate my nimble flesh; with the yearning embrace her voluptuous body;

overwhelmingly towering over every other thing on this Universe,

While today when we had unequivocally united in the fortress of unbreakable love; I had not the most capricious of apprehension; in imparting bone of my body to the valley of sadistic death .


When I first saw her; I felt as if I had just discovered my truest identity in vibrant existence; astoundingly spell bound by her regally Omnipotent footsteps,

While today when we had intransigently mated in the swirl of heavenly love; I wholeheartedly welcome morbid death on my doorstep; bid adieu to this planet

with grateful contentment aligning the contours of my diminutive face .


When I first saw her; I felt that the fathomless horizons were a fraction too short; as the paradise of empathy in her marvelously enthralling eyes; stretched till boundless kilometers even beyond infinite infinity,

While today when we had irrevocably melanged in the ocean of vivacious love; I altruistically bestowed every speck of my breath to all those despicably thwarted; before handing my penurious body to the scavengers of vindictive death .


And when I first saw her; I felt that the beats of my passionately thundering heart made me the most priceless scintillating entity alive; as I embarked on an expedition of impeccable truth on every step that I tread,

While today when we had divinely fused in the fragrance of symbiotically philanthropic love; I handsomely saluted the chapters of life and inexplicable death with equal equanimity; was duly prepared for both any instant; whatever the Lord had

in store for me .