You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 12 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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The wagon of relentlessly enthralling enchantment; exuberantly ran on wheels of tantalizingly mesmerizing fantasy,


The wagon of compassionately heartfelt emotions; amiably ran on the wheels

of symbiotically holistic togetherness,


The wagon of celestially gratifying tranquility; affably ran on the wheels of selflessly bonding contentment,


The wagon of Omnipotently miraculous healing; unitedly ran on the wheels of philanthropically glorious solidarity,


The wagon of unbelievably rhapsodic happiness; uninhibitedly ran on the wheels

of ebulliently fantastic newness,


The wagon of blazingly unflinching patriotism; intrepidly ran on the wheels of flamboyantly never-dying fearlessness,


The wagon of eternally ecstatic fragrance; bountifully ran on the wheels

of unfathomably priceless innocuousness,


The wagon of scintillatingly unparalleled success; blissfully ran on the wheels of irrefutably honest self-belief,


The wagon of voluptuously magnificent artistry; marvelously ran on the wheels

of insatiably tantalizing discovery,


The wagon of everlastingly unconquerable prosperity; beautifully ran on the wheels of vivaciously resplendent melody,


The wagon of stupendously rejuvenating timelessness; impeccably ran on the wheels of unequivocally majestic faith,


The wagon of graciously charming color; vividly ran on the wheels of enthusiastically perennial humanity,


The wagon of invincibly Omnipresent unity; synergistically ran on the wheels

of sacredly blessing mankind,


The wagon of fathomlessly reinvigorating beauty; immaculately ran on the wheels

of unassailably regale truth,


The wagon of innocently unadulterated sleep; aristocratically ran on the wheels

of bounteously milky moonlight,


The wagon of ubiquitously benevolent peace; ingratiatingly ran on the wheels

of ardently mutual sharing,


The wagon of emolliently Omniscient purity; impregnably ran on the wheels

of spotlessly magical conscience,


The wagon of vibrantly unfurling life; perpetually ran on the wheels of charismatically unshakable breath,


And the wagon of immortally burgeoning love; divinely ran on the wheels

of passionately thundering heart .