You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 12 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Perched in morbid silence upon its nest; made it feel that it was a horrendous piece of obliterated shit; decaying in the dungeons of malicious boredom,

While the regale eagle realized what it was magnificently capable of doing; only when it spread its majestic wings a profound throttle; and ecstatically surged forward in fathomless puffs of; vibrantly exhilarating sky .


Lazing languidly in its cavern of forlorn darkness; made it feel that it was an inconspicuous mosquito; being ominously devoured by the unsparingly asphyxiating atmosphere around,

While the royal lion realized what it was unassailably capable of doing; only when it spread its thunderously furry legs; majestically sprinted in the boundless expanse of the mystical forests; reigning supreme for times immemorial .


Sulking miserably in its hive of disdainfully sticky mucus; made it feel that it like existing infinite feet beneath its grave; although it still possessed perfectly glorious life,

While the aristocratic bee realized what it was melodiously capable of doing; only when it unveiled its vivaciously resplendent wings a marvelous blossom; ecstatically hummed and buzzed on the heavenly rose; as the Sun bestowed its bountifully golden rays .


Pathetically camouflaged behind the entrenchment of frigidly soggy clouds; made it feel the most diminutively impoverished entity on earth alive; though it was the nearest to the Almighty lord from all sides,

While the Omnipotent Sun realized what it was celestially capable of doing; only when it unraveled its unconquerably scintillating artistry to the most stupendous fullest; profusely deluging even the most infinitesimally obscure cranny of this gigantic Universe; with spell binding hope and optimistic shine .


Lugubriously slithering on the nonchalantly reticent iceberg and cursing its tyrannized past; made it feel as if a singleton globule of insipid water was enough to brutally drown it towards its ungainly doom,

While the gladiator shark realized what it was resurgently capable of doing; only when it euphorically propelled forward like white lightening through the ravishingly choppy waters; unrelentingly exploring the mysticism of the tantalizingly poignant sea .


Surreptitiously hiding behind the sequestering mountains; made him feel like a pancake of ludicrous nothingness; although he had the flag of his sacrosanct country in his hands,

While the patriotic soldier realized what he was fearlessly capable of doing; only when he unflinchingly entered the heart of the battlefield with insatiable fires igniting his eyes; as he relinquished even the last of his breath; for immortalizing the glory of his divine motherland .


Rotting in the despicably delinquent dungeons; made it feel as if it was the poorest chunk of neglected garbage; parsimoniously alive,

While the enamoring cistern of diamonds realized what they were pricelessly capable of doing; only when they sprang up in harmonious unison of holistic earth; marvelously enlightening the complexion of the ghastly night; with unequivocally pristine light .


Imprisoned in realms of rigidly disgusting silence; made it feel as if was an inexplicably wavering orphan; staggering into discordant incoherence as every instant unleashed into a wholesome minute,

While the enchanting voice realized what it was exotically capable of doing; only when it uninhibitedly bounced out of the throat; bloomingly perpetuating every ingredient of the disastrously dull ambience; with sounds of cheer and astounding

solidarity .


And gruesomely incarcerated within the chest and boundaries of the conventionally lambasting society; made it feel as if it were an insidious robot being vindictively controlled every second; by reigns of bizarrely barbaric manipulation,

While the unconquerable heart realized what it was blissfully capable of doing; only when it ecstatically leaped out of the chest; immortally uniting each of its resplendently passionate beats with eternal love; love and only priceless love .