You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 12 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Currently your eyes were just eyes; casting their impeccable blacks and whites to the very places they liked,

While I was waiting for the moment; when they would ooze poignant globules of empathy; candidly divulge the mysticism hidden in their softness; under the glistening effulgence of the Sun .


Currently your lips were just lips; tightly pursing every now and then; whenever you were entrenched with bouts of utter frustration,

While I was waiting for the moment; when they were besieged with a stupendously charismatic smile; enlightening the pathetically morbid atmosphere; with the ingratiating aura that they possessed .


Currently your cheeks were just cheeks; scowling a trifle; as beads of perspiration and a battalion of flies buzzed incongruously against their rotund periphery,

While I was waiting for the moment; when they profusely blushed; triggering untamed mountains of sensuous flames; in the bewitching dreariness of the night .


Currently your hair were just hair; miserably incarcerated beneath a deluge of monotonous ribbon and stringent braids,

While I was waiting for the moment; when they swept ravishingly with the brazen winds; landed on my flesh; to transit me into a spell of tantalizing delight .


Currently your belly was just a belly; contentedly snoozing as your consumed the fraternity of food; which tingled your tongue the most,

While I was waiting for the moment; when it gyrated full throttle under the pearly moonshine; raving me like a shooting star from my den; boundless feet beneath the ghastly grave .


Currently your hands were just hands; lying in timid unison on soil; as the Sun silently transcended over the horizons,

While I was waiting for the moment; when your royal fingers united together in splendid harmony; making me soar like an impregnable bird over the land of infinite infinity .


Currently your voice was just a voice; rhythmically rising and falling in the air; as you inevitably unleashed the chords of your dwindling throat,

While I was waiting for the moment; when you sung the song lingering deep in your soul; inundating my baselessly hopeless life; with the tenacity to exist beyond my time .


Currently your footsteps were just footsteps; nimbly caressing the mud as you sloppily commenced your journey; to search for indispensable fodder for your life,

While I was waiting for that moment; when you philandered barefoot through the rhapsodically romantic hills; splashed your divinely countenance in water; freshly tumbling from the carpets of blue sky .


Currently your life was just a life; unveiling lackadaisically with the fading times; trudging pathetically through a land which was sinking with the gloomy second,

While I was waiting for that moment; when it blissfully blossomed into a perpetual relationship; exultating in the full fledged flavor of celestial existence .


And Currently your heart was just a heart; palpitating to the tunes of survival; as you aimlessly groped into a tunnel of gruesome blackness; while the rest of the world marched outside,

While I was waiting for the moment; when your sacred chest immortally radiated the beats of love; bonded with the person it yearned for and cherished; galloping towards the rays of a fantastic beginning .