You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 12 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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As much as it overwhelmingly separates,

It bonds you immortally beyond the most passionate realms of your enchanting imagination .


As much as it rises like a fulminating volcano; infinite kilometers above the clouds,

It uninhibitedly embraces even the most impoverished of entity; enlightening the gloomy corridors of desperation with its glorious festoon of optimistic rays .


As much as it pacifies like white ice; to the most ultimate of the hearts content,

It ignites untamed infernos of turbulent desire; metamorphosing pathetically dwindling souls; into entities with an infinite lives .


As much as it absorbs the overwhelmingly poignant emotion lingering in the atmosphere,

It disseminates the spirit of friendship; indefatigably all across the surface of this

fathomless planet .


As much as it strikes inexplicably like torrential downpours of vivacious lava,

It promises you a life more blissful than the divine; fortifying its foundations of benevolent humanity astoundingly by the unveiling minute .


As much as it makes room for every conceivable fantasy to circulate intriguingly in the mind,

It harnesses your every goal into a perpetual reality; catapulting you to the most astronomical summit of scintillating success .


As much as it perseveres unrelentingly all night and each instant of the uncouthly sweltering day,

It transits you into a land of stupendous care and empathy; a paradise where you experience the most enthralling ingredients of a complete life .


As much as it tantalizes the most pragmatic beyond the dormitories of sagacious control,

It makes you believe in every step you take; propelling you to intrepidly defend the unsurpassable battalion of obstacles that confronted you; insidiously in your way .


As much as it bequeaths upon you a tenacity of having wholesomely led countless lives,

It takes you back to the first cry of your infantile life; making you bounce rhapsodically in the sacrosanct lap of your mother .

And as much as it melts you in the enigmatic trail of profusely charismatic seduction,

It unites you with every tangible and intangible element on this gigantic earth; granting you the ultimate status of being addressed as a human; granting you the right to love; to being loved; and being possessed by it; the spearhead of love .