You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 12 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Every shark wanted to bathe in the gloriously undulating sea; with the profusely tangy waves catapulting it into a land of tantalizing rhapsody,


Every duck wanted to bathe in a pond of tranquil ripples; let the serenity of the resplendent stars cast a spell on its lonely night,


Every petal wanted to bathe in a blanket of dew drops; let the stupendously ravishing stream; overwhelmingly pacify its frazzled senses,


Every desert wanted to bathe in cloudbursts of rain; the titillating globules of liquid blissfully penetrating through its sheath of tyrannically traumatized agony,


Every shoe wanted to bathe in pools of stringent carbolic; ordering the pungent foam to extricate from it; the last iota of dust and disdainful grime,


Every dwelling wanted to bathe in whirlpools of fresh paint; rejuvenating its dolorously dilapidated exteriors with vivacious coats of nascent paint,


Every patient wanted to bathe in rivers of potent antiseptic; massacre the germs of inexplicable disease from their very roots; to blossom once again into rays of optimistic happiness,


Every cuckoo wanted to bathe in the winds of ephemeral dawn; wholesomely propelling it to emanate melody from the inner most recesses of its chest,


Every seed wanted to bathe in bedsheets of soil; nourishing and harnessing it to evolve into a majestically handsome planet,


Every oyster wanted to bathe in festoons of shimmering pearls; bask in the incredulously magnificent aura of royalty for centuries immemorial,


Every dungeon wanted to bathe in despondently solitary darkness; the tornado of gloomy black drowning it into the cavern of inexplicable mysticism,


Every nose wanted to bathe in a maelstrom of fascinating perfume; letting the heavenly redolence tickle its tunnels beyond the realms of mesmerizing paradise,


Every beggar wanted to bathe in torrential downpours of opulent gold coin; let the glitter of indispensable fodder enlighten his forlorn paths of bizarre starvation,


Every bee wanted to bathe in cascades of wonderfully golden honey; rambunctiously humming its flurry of animated tunes till the sun slipped gorgeously behind the horizons,


Every mouse wanted to bathe in a mirage of tangy cheese; let the mountain of salubriously robust energy; profoundly reinvigorate it to unfathomable

dimensions beyond the cosmos,


Every mosquito wanted to bathe in fountains of macabre blood; feasting its famished intestines to everlasting boundaries of blissful contentment,


Every brain wanted to bathe in voluptuous fantasy; tingle the chords of unprecedented imagination a fathomless times; even after the dormitories of

infinite infinity,


Every Sunday wanted to bathe in mists of uninhibited freedom; let the exhilarating spirit of holiday take complete control,


Every soul wanted to bathe in the island of immortality; cast the spell of its perennial existence on each entity it supremely revered,


And every heart wanted to bathe in breaths of its beloved; remain incarcerated forever in the entrenchment of sacrosanct empathy; which granted it a right to throb; which granted it a right to perpetually survive .