You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 12 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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What was this O! Lord; that my lips refrained to speak; sung mystical tunes instead while walking on the streets?


What was this O! Lord; that my fingers incorrigibly refused to write; drawing incoherent shapes in the mud instead?


What was this O! Lord; that my eyes stared wildly in open space; instead of shutting down under the blistering sun?


What was this O! Lord; that I forgot to have my afternoon meals; when normally I was the first one to finish food in our family?


What was this O! Lord; that I dreamt even while signing checks; entering in mind boggling amounts; that eventually left me bankrupt?


What was this O! Lord; that I erupted out in fantasies of my childhood; when infact I was supposed to give a lecture on Business Economics?


What was this O! Lord; that I crashed head on with the waiter carrying a tray full of pastry; when infact I had already sighted him from miles apart?


What was this O! Lord; that I presumed it to be brilliant afternoon; when actually it was just a little before midnight?


What was this O! Lord; that I barged my car right into the hotel coffee shop; instead of parking it outside and walking down the distance?


What was this O! Lord; that I cut my hands severely while chopping vegetables; when infact there was superb synchronization between the knife and my little finger?


What was this O! Lord; that I gasped for breath like a dead man; when infact I had just arisen from bed after infinite hours of blissful sleep?


What was this O! Lord; that a sheepish grin encompassed the contours of my face all day; when usually I was extremely stringent in my behavior?


What was this O! Lord; that I reached the ghastly graveyard; when infact I was headed for attending prayers in church?


What was this O! Lord; that I embraced an old woman on the verge of relinquishing breath; cognizing her to be the girl of my dreams?

What was this O! Lord; that the blood in my veins ran at electric speeds; inspite of my medical practitioner ruling out any chance of blood pressure?


And what was this O! Lord; that my heart palpitated at a million beats per minute; although she resided continent's apart?


You know what; your guess is as good as mine; and there was simply no rhyme or reason to defy it; for I think that the inevitable has happened; I was struck by the same fever as millions of my kind are struck every day; O! Yes I think I am in love .