You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 13 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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The shadow of the palm was inevitably and of course once again; another bountifully humanitarian and innocuous palm. This shadow was unbelievably Herculean; boundlessly stretched; and indefinably elongated.


The shadow of the eyelid was inevitably and of course once again; another mischievously fluttering and blessed eyelid. This shadow was unbelievably

Herculean; unbelievably stretched; and indefinably elongated.


The shadow of the ear was inevitably and of course once again; another astoundingly sensitive and immaculate ear. This shadow was unbelievably Herculean; boundlessly stretched; and indefinably elongated.


The shadow of the lip was inevitably and of course once again; another poignantly beautiful and gorgeous lip. This shadow was unbelievably large; boundlessly

stretched; and indefinably elongated.


The shadow of the leg was inevitably and of course once again; another intrepidly exhilarating and galloping leg. This shadow was unbelievably large; boundlessly stretched; and indefinably elongated.


The shadow of the cheek was inevitably and of course once again; another robustly ecstatic and blushing cheek. This shadow was unbelievably large; boundlessly

stretched; and indefinably elongated.


The shadow of the neck was inevitably and of course once again another symbiotically maneuvering and nubile neck. This shadow was unbelievably large;

boundlessly stretched; and preposterously elongated.


The shadow of the shoulder was inevitably and of course once again another philanthropically altruistic and unflinching shoulder. This shadow was unbelievably

large; boundlessly stretched; and preposterously elongated.


The shadow of the belly was inevitably and of course once again another sensuously tantalizing and virile belly. This shadow was unbelievably large; boundlessly

stretched; and preposterously elongated.


The shadow of the scalp was inevitably and of course once again another indefatigably fantasizing and royal scalp. This shadow was unbelievably large; boundlessly stretched; and preposterously elongated.


The shadow of the nail was inevitably and of course once again another irascibly scratching and unabashed nail. This shadow was unbelievably large; boundlessly

stretched; and preposterously elongated.


The shadow of the chest was inevitably and of course once again another bounteously sculptured and titillating chest. This shadow was unbelievably large;

boundlessly stretched; and preposterously elongated.


The shadow of the tooth was inevitably and of course once again another jubilantly fortified and obdurate tooth. This shadow was unbelievably large; boundlessly

stretched; and preposterously elongated.


The shadow of the spine was inevitably and of course once again another voluptuously tingling and reverberating spine. This shadow was unbelievably

large; boundlessly stretched; and preposterously elongated.


The shadow of the hip was inevitably and of course once again another impeccably spongy and cushioned hip. This shadow was unbelievably large; boundlessly

stretched; and preposterously elongated.


The shadow of the bone was inevitably and of course once again another impregnably fearless and tenacious bone. This shadow was unbelievably large; boundlessly stretched; and preposterously elongated.


The shadow of the Adams apple was inevitably and of course once again another triumphantly dancing and sprightly Adams apple. This shadow was unbelievably

large; boundlessly stretched; and preposterously elongated.


The shadow of the nostril was inevitably and of course once again another fierily passionate and indispensable nostril. This shadow was unbelievably large; boundlessly stretched; and preposterously elongated.


Whilst the shadow of the heart was in no way and once again the passionately palpitating heart. Infact it was; is and forever would be the most Omnipotent

shadow culminating on this fathomless earth; known and chanted an infinite times by one and all dead and alive; as the ultimate “ signature of immortal love ” .