You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 13 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I didn’t miss your majestic eyes the slightest; didn’t even think an inconspicuous trifle about their voluptuous charm,

I resided in their grandiloquent glory instead; floating in their poignant passion since centuries immemorial .


I didn’t miss your seductive lips the slightest; didn’t even think an inconspicuous trifle about their passionately rubicund mellow,

I resided in their enigmatic smiles instead; compassionately caressing their periphery every unfurling minute of the day .


I didn’t miss your ravishing hair the slightest; didn’t even think an inconspicuous trifle about their silken glory,

I resided in their trail of incomprehensible fascination instead; blossoming into exuberant newness as you swished them towards the flaming Sun .


I didn’t miss your enchanting skin the slightest; didn’t even think an inconspicuous trifle about its mesmerizing beauty,

I resided in its brilliantly ebullient streaks instead; getting tickled like an innocuous fairy each time you traced it with your nails .


I didn't miss your emphatic memory the slightest; didn't even think an inconspicuous trifle about your incredulously charismatic presence; which captivated even the God's,

I resided in your island of exotic dreams instead; invincibly conquering every barricade on this planet; each time you tossed like a freshly married bride; on

the golden mattress . 


I didn’t miss your mystical shadow the slightest; didn’t even think an inconspicuous trifle about its profound shimmering,

I resided in its satiny movement instead; dreaming beyond the ultimate paradise created by God; each time you bounced under the resplendent blanket of stars .


I didn’t miss your robust complexioned palms the slightest; didn’t even think an inconspicuous trifle about their magnetic touch,

I resided in their labyrinth of profusely enamoring lines instead; unflinchingly propelling forward as each chapter of your destiny; fabulously unleashed .


I didn’t miss your ingratiatingly benevolent voice the slightest; didn’t even think an inconspicuous trifle about its cadence which soared like an untamed seductress towards the cocoon of blue clouds,

I resided in its oligarchic origin instead; fulminating like a whirlwind of fresh emotions; each instance you opened your divinely mouth .

I didn’t miss your philanthropically throbbing heart the slightest; didn’t even think an inconspicuous trifle about the melodious rhythm it intransigently obeyed all day and night,

I resided in its unrelentingly poignant volley of beats instead; basking in the cavern of immortal love; for infinite more births of mine .


And I didn’t miss your stupendously fascinating life the slightest; didn’t even think an inconspicuous trifle about the valley of extraordinary adventure it plunged into every unfurling moment; bestowed upon it by the Almighty Lord,

I resided in its gloriously triumphant set of breaths; traversing incessantly through the innermost corner of your chest  and soul; till the time you lived this life; and took birth for countless more lives to come .