You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 14 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Don’t keep glimpsing at me like that; flirtatiously winking your eyelashes; towards my impoverished countenance; every now and again,

Or else I would hug you insatiably till times beyond eternity;  keeping you  incarcerated  in the realms of my passionately throbbing heart; forever and ever and ever .


Don’t keep teasing me like that; tantalizing me like the twinkling stars; as you trespassed past my shivering skin; every now and again,

Or else I would whisk you beyond a land more mesmerizing than paradise; with each of your senses intermingled in mine; keeping you incarcerated  in the realms of my passionately throbbing heart; forever and ever and ever .


Don’t keep smiling at me like that; seducing me into your web of titillating fantasy; as you evaded me like the drifting clouds; every now and again,

Or else I would surrender all my worldly possession at your divinely feet; romance with you perennially in the fabulous clouds; keeping you incarcerated  in the realms of my passionately throbbing heart; forever and ever and ever .


Don’t keep enticing me like that; shimmering like the fading rays of the voluptuously magnificent Sun; on my eyeballs; every now and again,

Or else I would entangle you in my arms as fireballs of thunder descended from the sky; keeping you incarcerated  in the realms of my passionately throbbing heart; forever and ever and ever .


Don’t stare at me like that; poignantly casting a spell of unconquerable compassion; upon my dreary soul; every now and again,

Or else I would caress each cranny of your immaculately sparkling skin; drown myself in your enchanting visage; keeping you incarcerated  in the realms of my passionately throbbing heart; forever and ever and ever .


Don’t whisper to me like that; sporadically disappearing and then taking my breath away; with your ravishing belly; every now and again,

Or else I would drown myself for everlasting eternity in the melody of your enthralling sound; keeping you incarcerated  in the realms of my passionately throbbing heart; forever and ever and ever .


Don’t keep encircling me like that; stinging each of my dwindling nerves; beyond the summit of untamed mysticism; every now and again,

Or else I would blend with your rhapsodic shadow like an famished beggar; keeping you incarcerated  in the realms of my passionately throbbing heart; forever and ever and ever .


Don’t intimidate me like that; piercing me wholesomely with the insatiable volcano’s of yearning in your blood; every now and again,

Or else I would irrevocably bond with you in threads of perpetual matrimony; coalescing completely with your righteous conscience; keeping you incarcerated in the realms of my passionately throbbing heart; forever and ever and ever .


And don’t love me like that; appeasing my every desire like a celestial angel from the heavenly skies; every now and again,

Or else I would simply forget to die; immortally existing in the walls of your eternal soul; keeping you incarcerated  in the realms of my passionately throbbing heart; forever and ever and ever .