You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 14 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Do you want to know why your lips had a smile; coyly blushed as the sky blended wholesomely with the color of the moon?

Ask the passion that fulminated from my countenance; wanting to profusely encapsulate them in the swirl of agnetic desire .


Do you want to know why your eyes twinkled violently; casting an impregnable spell on every object; they lay their impeccable sight on ?

Ask the rays of unprecedented desire that infiltrated from all directions into my blood; making me posses you more than the breath I lived .


Do you want to know why your shadow stretched till times beyond eternity; slithering wildly towards the realms of absolute submission?

Ask the tunes of tumultuous agony which emanated from my soul; wanting to bond with your spirit for times immemorial .


Do you want to know why your tongue felt insatiably thirsty; even after consuming fathomless droplets from the spell binding river ?

Ask the overwhelming blanket of sensuousness that profoundly enveloped my flesh; desiring to caress you for centuries unsurpassable; even after the planet had come to an abrupt standstill .


Do you want to know why your hair swished in torrential fury; even though there wasn’t the most inconspicuous iota of wind in the placidly frigid atmosphere?

Ask the rubicund mellow that insurmountably entrenched my palms; wanting to coalesce with each of your ravishing senses; till there seemed no difference between the royal night; and the austerely sweltering day .


Do you want to know why your feet trespassed unrelentingly on land;; even when the most invincible of stalwarts had faded into remotely diminutive wisps of dilapidated oblivion?

Ask the compassionate whirlwind which swept through my veins; drawing each contour of your visage inevitably towards my famished demeanor .


Do you want to know why your mind fantasized relentlessly above the land of incomprehensible infinity; drowning in all the mesmerizing beauty that constituted the surface of this wonderful planet?

Ask the dream that perpetually encompassed my persona even under brilliantly flaming rays of the Sun; igniting fireballs of longing in each molecule of doom that lingered in the air .


Do you want to know why your nostrils breathed fountains of alluring fire; seeming alive as the most possessive of entities on the carpet of voluptuously chocolate brown soil?

Ask the tremors of unconquerable mystique that arose from my eyelashes; wanting to incarcerate every cranny of your body in the avalanche of bountiful excitement .


And do you want to know why your heart palpitated more vociferously than the entire Universe; even after you had relinquished your last trace of tangible breath?

Ask the boundless love that hovered intransigently in my mind; body and soul; the love that was immortally yours till the time you were breathing; the love that snatched you back from the heavens; even after you died .