You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 14 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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18. FOR ME 


For all in the colossal Universe it was simply a shriveled pathway of; deadened twigs and incongruously mangled leaves,

But for me it was more sacred than all holiness majestically circumscribing the atmosphere; as her divinely feet had blissfully walked upon it; just an instant ago .


For all in the gigantic Universe it was simply an inconspicuously waif stream; ludicrously drying as the austerity of the midday Sun increased even an infinitesimal trifle,

But for me it was more heavenly than the walls of resplendently blessed paradise; as her bountifully enthralling lips had sipped water from it; just an instant ago .


For all in the fathomless Universe it was simply a sordidly ramshackle house; disdainfully embroiled in the wrath of miserably remorseful desolation since centuries unprecedented,

But for me it was more priceless than the blood compassionately gushing through my veins; as her miraculously humanitarian silhouette had wandered in it; just an instant ago .


For all in the unceasing Universe it was simply a lifelessly beleaguered stone; being ruthlessly kicked left; right and center by a juggernaut of aliens as time rapidly unraveled,

But for me it was more insuperable than every conceivable power of the sky; as her iridescently godly palms had fondled it; just an instant ago .


For all in the mesmerizing Universe it was simply a cadaverously barren canvas; amorphously fretting in a mist of inconsolable loneliness,

But for me it was more beautiful than the entire beauty of this panoramic beauty compounded together; as the whites of her impeccable eyes had stared at it; just an instant ago .


For all in the magnetic Universe it was simply a deranged bit of disillusioned sheepskin; painstakingly withering with even the most diminutive draught of wind pounding it on the jagged slopes,

But for me it was more ardent than the vibrant electricity of this entire earth; as she had worn it on her enchantingly effulgent skin; just an instant ago .


For all in the Herculean Universe it was simply a lackadaisical flower; forlornly shutting its petals at the onset of blackness; and shedding them like nine-pins at the tiniest innuendo of storm,

But for me it was more fragrant than all righteousness that radiated from this globe; as she had cast her invincibly peerless shadow upon it; just an instant ago .


For all in the limitless Universe it was simply a whiff of evanescently exhaling air; that punctuated the atmosphere like countless more of its kind,

But for me it was more unconquerable than the spirit of timelessly godly existence on this mesmerizing earth; as she had inhaled it and made it her enchanting breath;  just an instant ago .


And for all in the boundless Universe it was simply a worthless beat that randomly floated in the arid winds; purposelessly swirling around without any ostensible rhythm or rhyme,

But for me it was more charismatic than the chapter of mystically endowing life; as she had immortally made it the perennial love of her heart; just an instant ago .