You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 14 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Perhaps only those with eclectically passionate and tapering fingers; can be spell bindingly enamoring; artists,


Perhaps only those with glamorously flamboyant personalities; can be vividly beautiful and magnetically crowd-pulling; filmstars,


Perhaps only those with apocryphally manipulative demeanors; can be excellently domineering and abhorrently prejudiced; politicians,


Perhaps only those with rapaciously indiscriminating hunger; can be cold-bloodedly massacring and hedonistically treacherous; parasites,


Perhaps only those with mellifluously harmonious voices; can be euphorically everlasting and timelessly bestowing; singers,


Perhaps only those with indefatigably discovering brains; can be astoundingly mesmerizing and effulgently burgeoning; scientists,


Perhaps only those with wholeheartedly altruistic dispositions; can be majestically blissful and inexhaustibly bonding; humanitarian’s,


Perhaps only those with ancestrally royal blood flowing through their veins; can be successful benefactors to the magnificently embellished and princely; throne,


Perhaps only those with a cornucopia of bulging muscles protruding from within their shirt; can be insuperably unflinching and peerlessly fantastic; boxers,


Perhaps only those with an uncontrollably ardent longing for the first cries of magically Omnipotent life; can be enigmatically uncanny and blessedly mischievous; children,


Perhaps only those with eternally fructifying warmth; can be immaculately undefeated and Omnisciently symbiotic; mothers,


Perhaps only those with unparalleled yearning for the unfathomably mystical; can be ubiquitously enthralling and enchantingly effulgent; snake-charmers,


Perhaps only those with unbelievably arcane proclivity towards the unknown; can be handsomely aristocratic and timelessly tantalizing; adventurers,


Perhaps only those with synergistically egalitarian attitude towards every living organism alive; can be celestially conserving and fervently dedicated; environmentalists,


Perhaps only those with abominably croaking and livid voices; can be boisterously gawking and hideously slimy; frogs,


Perhaps only those with supremely unassailable confidence in the religion of truth; can be unconquerably towering and impenetrably galloping; lions,


Perhaps only those with a preposterously ungainly dislike for priceless water; can be aridly torching and truculently lambasting; deserts,


Perhaps only those with an irrevocably overpowering mania for decimating ebullient life; can be the coffins of egregiously asphyxiating and cannibalistically excoriating; death,


But blatantly paradoxical to all of the above and an infinite more “Perhaps”; every entity blessed with a puff of Godly air within its lungs; every entity evolved on this fathomless Universe by the Omnipresent Lord Almighty; every entity irrespective of spurious caste; creed; religion or unceremonious tribe; has; is  and definitely  shall forever be; a born lover .