You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 14 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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When I first met her; I was insatiably crazy about her eyes; fervently tracing the contours of her poignantly stopping eyelids with the untamed ardor in my fingers,

While today; they had become my irrefutable and only obsession; as I profoundly blended my mind; body and entire spirit; with their marvelously shimmering  river of ecstatic empathy .


When I first met her; I was inexorably crazy about her lips; indefatigably kissing their compassionate periphery; to ignite fireballs of tantalizing seduction in the piquantly scarlet streams of my blood,

While today; they had become my irrefutable and only obsession; as I commenced each dawn with exuberant gusto in my stride; simply by sighting their fiery redness .


When I first met her; I was insurmountably crazy about her hair; sailing in their ravishing titillation; to timelessly escalate to a land above; fabulously mesmerizing paradise,

While today; they had become my irrefutable and only obsession; as I danced in the aisles of serene contentment; invincibly entrapped in the stupendously magical entrenchment of their voluptuous softness .


When I first met her; I was fanatically crazy about her belly; entangling each pore of my flesh in a wave of sensuously augmenting delight; as she gyrated under the magnificently enchanting moonlight,

While today; it had become my irrefutable and only obsession; as I caressed its royally gentle softness; everytime I felt that the frantically wandering world outside; unsparingly pulverized me to the soil .


When I first met her; I was ardently crazy about her eyelashes; flirtatiously philandering with her behind the honey colored hills; as she batted them with gorgeously bewildering delight,

While today; they had become my irrefutable and only obsession; as I perennially slept entirely oblivious to the treacherous vagaries of this planet; with my turbulent breath profusely dancing over her;  intriguingly satiny softness .


When I first met her; I was unfathomably crazy about her palms; salvaging every opportunity to tangily trace the fathomless battalion of mystical lines; embedded in their fascinating recess,

While today; they had become my irrefutable and only obsession; as I bonded each element of my impoverished destiny with her; vivaciously euphoric and rhapsodically bouncing life .


When I first met her; I was stupendously crazy about her charismatically radiating chin; as I incessantly pecked her on the same; with winds of tumultuous compassion circumventing every iota of my ebulliently trembling countenance,

While today; it had become my irrefutable and only obsession; as I replenished my devastatingly staggering senses; by merely sighting its; robustly enamoring grace .


When I first met her; I was unsurpassably crazy about her reflection; trying to decipher a countless more births of mine in the eternally unending chapter of her majestic footsteps,

While today; it had become my irrefutable and only obsession; as I erected every anecdote of my flamboyantly optimistic life with its shades; had no remorse whatsoever relinquishing my last breath in its ingratiating shimmering .


When I first met her; I was incomprehensibly crazy about her breath; relentlessly trying to capsize every puff of scented air that she exhaled; in the indigently destitute essence of my pathetic existence,

While today; it had become my irrefutable and only obsession; as I found myself blessed with all the happiness on this boundless planet; rhythmically tracing the cadence of its everlastingly enticing swirl .


And when I first met her; I was intransigently crazy about her heartbeats; passionately discerning their marvelously pristine propensity; embracing her in the incorrigible grip of my famished arms,

While today; they had become my irrefutable and only obsession; as I handsomely bonded with their immortal tenacity to exist; felt the richest man alive; each time she granted me love; each time she granted me the most unequivocally priceless gift to survive .