You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 14 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I hadn’t the most infinitesimal of desire to conquer the planet with the power of sacrilegious wealth; but if only I could win every symbiotically throbbing heart on this fathomless Universe with the balm of immortal love; then I’d consider each element of my signature to be perpetually blessed .


I hadn’t the most ephemeral of desire to conquer the planet with the power of satanic wealth; but if only I could win every blissfully throbbing heart on this boundless Universe with the rainbow of immortal love; then I’d consider each of my footsteps; to be perpetually blessed .


I hadn’t the most infidel of desire to conquer the planet with the power of diabolical wealth; but if only I could win every celestially throbbing heart on this gigantic Universe with the sky of immortal love; then I’d consider each word that I uttered; to be perpetually blessed .


I hadn’t the most evanescent of desire to conquer the planet with the power of treacherous wealth; but if only I could win every bountifully throbbing heart on this colossal Universe with the meadow of immortal love; then I’d consider each blooddrop of mine; to be perpetually blessed .


I hadn’t the most fugitive of desire to conquer the planet with the power of incarcerating wealth; but if only I could win every effulgently throbbing heart on this interminable Universe with the tree of immortal love; then I’d consider each smile that I diffused; to be perpetually blessed .


I hadn’t the most insouciant of desire to conquer the planet with the power of marauding wealth; but if only I could win every harmoniously throbbing heart on this endless Universe with the rainshowers of immortal love; then I’d consider each globule of my sweat; to be perpetually blessed .


I hadn’t the most obsolete of desire to conquer the planet with the power of indiscriminate wealth; but if only I could win every jubilantly throbbing heart on this unceasing Universe with the seeds of immortal love; then I’d consider each reflection of mine; to be perpetually blessed .


I hadn’t the most disappearing of desire to conquer the planet with the power of cold-blooded wealth; but if only I could win every beautifully throbbing heart on this limitless Universe with the lanterns of immortal love; then I’d consider each voluntary and involuntary reflex of mine; to be perpetually blessed .


I hadn’t the most absconding of desire to conquer the planet with the power of wanton wealth; but if only I could win every humanitarianly throbbing heart on this unbelievable Universe with the flames of immortal love; then I’d consider each fantasy of mine; to be perpetually blessed .


I hadn’t the most receding of desire to conquer the planet with the power of tawdry wealth; but if only I could win every victoriously throbbing heart on this unbridled Universe with the bonds of immortal love; then I’d consider each nimble bone of my mine; to be perpetually blessed .


I hadn’t the most dormant of desire to conquer the planet with the power of non-existent wealth; but if only I could win every passionately throbbing heart on this unfettered Universe with the winds of immortal love; then I’d consider each pathway that I traversed; to be perpetually blessed .


I hadn’t the most decrepit of desire to conquer the planet with the power of vindictive wealth; but if only I could win every poignantly throbbing heart on this synergistic Universe with the sea of immortal love; then I’d consider each sound that I heard; to be perpetually blessed .


I hadn’t the most remotest of desire to conquer the planet with the power of devilish wealth; but if only I could win every wonderfully throbbing heart on this fathomless Universe with the atmosphere of immortal love; then I’d consider each patch of flesh; to be perpetually blessed .


I hadn’t the most obfuscated of desire to conquer the planet with the power of remorseful wealth; but if only I could win every fantastically throbbing heart on this effervescent Universe with the mist of immortal love; then I’d consider each mission of mine; to be perpetually blessed .


I hadn’t the most evaporating of desire to conquer the planet with the power of wretched wealth; but if only I could win every benevolently throbbing heart on this undefeated Universe with the wand of immortal love; then I’d consider each line of my destiny; to be perpetually blessed .


I hadn’t the most mercurial of desire to conquer the planet with the power of sinful wealth; but if only I could win every compassionately amiable heart on this unassailable Universe with the syrup of immortal love; then I’d consider each pore of my skin; to be perpetually blessed .


I hadn’t the most crumbling of desire to conquer the planet with the power of sadistic wealth; but if only I could win every bounteously untainted heart on this mesmerizing Universe with the epitomes of immortal love; then I’d consider each dormitory of my soul; to be perpetually blessed .


I hadn’t the most extinguishing of desire to conquer the planet with the power of murderous wealth; but if only I could win every fantastically unhindered heart on this astounding Universe with the apogees of Immortal love; then I’d consider each of my breath; to be perpetually blessed .


And I hadn’t the most teeniest of desire to conquer the planet with the power of bawdy wealth; but if only I could win every spell-bindingly liberated heart on this panoramic Universe with the paradise of immortal love; then I’d consider each beat of my impoverished chest; to be perpetually blessed .