You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 15 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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When I kissed you on your marvelously rubicund lips; I felt as if floating in the bountifully pristine paradise; with every bit of happiness on this fathomless planet; mine and perpetually mine,


When I kissed you on your ingeniously sculptured forehead; I felt as if even the most inconspicuously infidel ingredient of my blood; had forever metamorphosed into a lake of insuperably divine righteousness,


When I kissed you on your daintily artistic fingers; I felt as if even the most insidiously diabolical of monotony on this boundless earth; had transformed into a fountain of perennially unhindered rhapsody,


When I kissed you on your sensuously moistened throat; I felt the most blessed organism on this gargantuan Universe; unsurpassably culminating into a fireball  of unceasingly effulgent delight,


When I kissed you on your ebulliently newborn eyelashes; I felt that the entire newness of this miraculously ameliorating planet; was now embedded for times immemorial; profoundly into the dormitories of my soul,


When I kissed you on your tantalizingly nubile belly; I felt as to why was the entire planet unrelentingly engaged in ruthlessly bombarding war; when ultimate victory was just a compassionate caress away,


When I kissed you on your majestically seductive cheeks; I felt as if the most torrentially blessing rainfall was cascading from the Omnipotent skies; magically mitigating me of the most inexplicably cancerous of my disease,


When I kissed you on your astoundingly sensitive ears; I felt as if everything around me had come to an intractable standstill; with the most thunderously demonic screams miserably floundering to have the tiniest of impact on my celestially everlasting reverie,


When I kissed you on your jubilantly ravishing nape; I felt every puff of the atmosphere to be an unbelievably charismatic flower of solidarity; enlightening every aspect of my lugubriously plaintive existence with unlimitedly benign care,


When I kissed you on your optimistically venerated feet; I felt as if my search for the Omniscient divine had ended here itself; with even the most infinitesimally faulty aspect of my survival now replaced with the infallibly invincible armor of eternal truth,


When I kissed you on your affably glistening armpits; I felt even the most ethereal pore of my skin transcend the aisles of infinite infinity; sing in ever-pervading unison with the laws of pricelessly symbiotic existence,


When I kissed you on your eclectically vivacious shadow; I felt as there was not the most diminutive trace of depression on this limitless planet; as if my body was evolved just to unfathomably fantasize and rest,


When I kissed you on your resplendently enamoring tongue; I felt timelessly philandering in a heaven of incredulously unending enchantment; where my  thirst for every pricelessly panoramic thing of life was quenched to the most  unprecedented limits,


When I kissed you on your altruistically philanthropic shoulders; I felt closer than ever to every fraternity of unassailable humanity; synergistically blending with its myriad infinite colors of unshakable togetherness,


When I kissed you on your magnificently inebriating chin; I felt cloudbursts of unfettered exhilaration ignite in even the most evanescent of my senses; as I intrepidly galloped through the seas of never-ending adventure,


When I kissed you on your freshly bathed bosom; I felt myself to be the most astoundingly virile man on the trajectory of this unending Universe; proliferating into timelessly endowing newness in just one singularly truncated lifetime,


When I kissed you on your enigmatically euphoric panic-button; I felt the highest apogee of every source of vibrantly palpitating life; plummeting face-on into such a valley of unparalleled excitement; which had simply no end,


When I kissed you on your fierily breathing nostrils; I felt the most passionately impregnable entity alive; even an infinite feet beneath my morbidly delinquent corpse,


And when I kissed you on your immortally victorious heart; I felt as if the Omnipresent Creator had granted me a countless more lives in a single lifetime; as if I had freshly arisen from the graveyard of the most ghastliest of death; to be blessedly reborn .