You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 15 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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She could either indiscriminately slap me; or could embrace me more invincibly than the first rays of dawn could ever dream of embracing the fabric of hopelessly  castrated darkness; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,


She could either brutally bury me an infinite feet beneath earth; or could worship me as the ultimate savior of her inimitably priceless identity; every unfurling instant  of her destined lifetime,


She could either torturously stab me a countless times on my chest; or could  apply the balm of miraculously mitigating companionship on even the most infinitesimal pore of my impoverished skin; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,


She could either ruthlessly spit on my persona; or could unflinchingly drink every globule of golden sweat that sprouted uninhibitedly from my armpits; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,


She could either diabolically blind both the whites of my eyes; or could make me the undisputed crown of her vivaciously fluttering eyelids; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,


She could either suck every ingredient of my blood to feed it to her dogs; or could sacrifice every meal of her existence to even the most infidel of my demands; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,


She could either ghastily excoriate every speck of my skin to use as the doormat of her dingy abode; or could ardently cleanse every pore of her olive complexioned skin with the acridly gratuitous dirt stuck between my toes; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,


She could either lasciviously snap the buds of my tongue into a boundless billion halves; or could inexhaustibly tremble and slaver for even the slightest trace of her persona to emanate from my fervent breath; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,


She could either discard me from every aspect of her survival; or could triumphantly sleep with every cranny of her body impregnably intermingled with mine; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,


She could either unabashedly ostracize me infront of the entire planet; or could tirelessly consecrate even the most devilishly sacrilegious thing that

I did; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,

She could either unsparingly use every bone of my body to spice up her inanely colorless soup; or could fall on my feet as my ultimate slave even though I kicked her till infinite infinity; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,


She could either wholesomely ignore even the most passionately reverberating of my screams; or could kiss me with such an untamed ardor in her lips that even the most blazing of fires would plummet to shame; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,


She could either incessantly ridicule me as the most impotent organism ever on this fathomless Universe; or could be a fecund mother to an endless battalion of my children for a countless lives; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,


She could either cadaverously incarcerate me in whiplashes of fetid monotony; or could be the most tantalizingly sensuous woman of my dreams; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,


She could either devastated even the most evanescent trace of my happiness to raw ash; or could be every tear of victoriously effulgent happiness that cascaded from my eyes; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,


She could either treat me as a bawdily lecherous male mascot to the demands of her nubile flesh; or could forever bond with me in threads of triumphantly holy matrimony; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,


She could either scurrilously abhor me like no one else did on the planet; or could Immortally love me as the sole messiah of her every dream; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,


And she could either devilishly assassinate the chapter of my existence from planet divine; or could make every breath that I exhaled as the sole and most unassailable elixir of her life; every unfurling instant of her destined lifetime,


But the infallible truth of the matter is; that no matter whether the earth ceases to exist; no matter whether every bit of devastating hell perpetually blends with lackadaisical ground; no matter whether every ounce of unconquerable breath was forever snatched from the atmosphere; she would always be associated with me; she would always remember and remain with me in some form or the other; she would never ever leave me and would always be mine; mine and none other’s but mine .