You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 15 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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The tantalizingly seductive periphery of your lusciously crinkled lips; mesmerized me to only an infinitesimally fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to suckle their unbelievably triumphant and harmoniously mellifluous sweetness; for an infinite more births yet to come .


The voluptuously rubicund contours of your fantastically nubile cheeks; enchanted me to only a diminutively fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to absorb in their charismatically robust and perennially bountiful luster; for an infinite more births yet to come .


The sensuously embellished fringes of your mischievously dancing eyelashes; stupefied me to only a parsimoniously fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to become every royally untainted wink that you uninhibitedly executed; for an infinite more births yet to come .


The ravishingly enticing swirl of your pristinely black hair; reinvigorated me to only an abstemiously fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to intertwine each of my senses with their magically virgin tresses; for an infinite more births yet to come .


The stupendously fearless voice that wafted from your ardently melodious throat; enamored me to only a spartanly fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to blissfully make each of your sounds as the sole elixir of my impoverished life; for an infinite more births yet to come .


The unbelievably gorgeous silhouettes of your fragrantly moistened belly; dazzled me to only a miserly fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to make dwelling in its invincibly compassionate  warmth; for an infinite more births yet to come .


The unconquerable tinkle of ornaments on your insuperably heavenly fingers; enlightened me to only a nimbly fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to revel in their majestically unhindered cocoons of original artistry; for an infinite more births yet to come .


The effulgently resplendent sheen of your bewitchingly emollient nostrils; entranced me to only a restrictedly fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to euphorically bounce in their indomitably Omnipotent breath; for an infinite more births yet to come .


The oligarchic shapes of your unflinchingly parading feet; enthralled me to only an impoverishedly fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to become every ubiquitously uniting step that they tread; for an infinite more births yet to come .


The fabulously golden shades of your victoriously holistic sweat; fascinated me to only an inconspicuously fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to bathe in its essence of emolliently honest perseverance; for an infinite more births yet to come .


The beguiling sway of your daintily adorned earlobes; spell bound me to only  a penuriously fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to imbibe the spirit of truth that they timelessly heard; for an infinite more births yet to come .


The vivaciously effervescent flow of your iridescently humanitarian blood; captivated me to only an ephemerally fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to blend my soul with the countless ingredients of symbiotic humanity in it; for an infinite more births yet to come .


The profoundly enigmatic vacillations of your regally unfettered shadow; mitigated me to only an ethereally fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to timelessly siesta in its unassailably philanthropic serenity; for an infinite more births yet to come .


The kingly whites of your inexhaustibly dancing eyes; mystified me to only an infidel fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to tirelessly sight my reflection in their mirror of ubiquitously unparalleled righteousness; for an infinite more births yet to come .


The limitless fleet of goose-bumps on your excitedly exuberant nape; sublimed me to only a truncatedly fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to continuously maneuver to every of its passionate swirl; for an infinite more births yet to come .


The unlimited repertoire of actions that emanated from your sagaciously venerated persona; recharged me to only a fractionally fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to mélange with every flow of priceless truth and humanity that they sprouted into; for an infinite more births yet to come .


The miraculously exquisite panic button in your indefatigably ebullient belly; pepped me to only a flaccidly fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to become the nexus of its blessedly altruistic existence; for an infinite more births yet to come .

And the unceasing throbbing of your perpetually fervent heart; impressed me to only a lackadaisically fleeting extent,

What I eternally desired was to bond my mind; body; and soul with the beats of its immortally unshakable love; for an infinite more births yet to come .