You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 16 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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When the world laughed at my perfectly normal hands; I rose like an unflinchingly peerless tiger; to defend my irrefutably untainted integrity,

But when the same was unsparingly ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt hopelessly crippled; not even being able to hoist a feather with my palms; for an infinite more lifetimes .


When the  world laughed at my perfectly normal eyes; I rebounded back like a   viciously untamed scorpion; to defend my pricelessly inimitable integrity,

But when the same was brutally ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt cadaverously blind; not being able to sight even the largest of structure in the most brilliant of sunshine; for an infinite more lifetimes .


When the world laughed at my perfectly normal throat; I towered like the ultimate sword of valiantly fearless war; to defend my blissfully innocuous integrity,

But when the same was preposterously ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt pathetically dumb; not being able to utter a word with my exuberantly bouncing tongue; for an infinite more lifetimes .


When the world laughed at my perfectly normal brain; I shot back like an inferno of insatiably endless bravado; to defend my wondrously unimpeachable integrity,

But when the same was unabashedly ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt insanely paralyzed; not being able to distinguish my own voice in wholesome solitude; for  an infinite more lifetimes .


When the world laughed at my perfectly normal fingers; I poignantly fulminated back like the harshest ray of the midday Sun; to defend my ebulliently triumphant integrity,

But when the same was indefatigably ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt miserably leper; not being able to pen a singleton alphabet; for an infinite more lifetimes .


When the world laughed at my perfectly normal feet; I lashed back like a ferocious stalk of pugnacious chili; to defend my ecstatically marvelous integrity,

But when the same was inexhaustibly ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt unbearably maimed; not being able to  traverse an infinitesimal millimeter forward; for an infinite more lifetimes .


When the world laughed at my perfectly normal spine; I fumed back like the agonizingly uncurbed embers of the bonfire; to defend my victoriously pristine integrity,

But when the same was sinfully ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt tawdrily crooked; not being able to face earth eye to eye; for an infinite more lifetimes .


When the world laughed at my perfectly normal lips; I menacingly growled back like an entire forest of lions; to defend my impeccably vibrant integrity,

But when the same was sadistically ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt despondently infertile; not being able to generate the tiniest trace of passion; for an infinite more lifetimes .


When the world laughed at my perfectly normal ears; I stood fearlessly unperturbed like the great wall of china; to defend my royally unfettered integrity,

But when the same was iconoclastically ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt horrendously deaf; not being able to hear even the loudest decibels of my voice; for an infinite more lifetimes .


When the world laughed at my perfectly normal blood; I spat back indignantly till limits of indescribable exhaustion; to defend my bountifully symbiotic integrity,

But when the same was unreasonably ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt illegitimately orphaned; not being able to ever accept this earth; for an infinite more lifetimes .


When the world laughed at my perfectly normal cheeks; I reacted as violently as the barbarously caged alligator; to defend my celestially impeccable integrity,

But when the same was deliberately ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt the ugliest person alive; not being able to face and interact with even the most ethereal organism on this Universe; for an infinite more lifetimes .


When the world laughed at my perfectly normal height; I tirelessly crackled back in flames of vindication; to defend my beautifully redolent integrity,

But when the same was insidiously ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt like an invisible ghost; not being able to sight myself ever in the mirror; for an infinite more lifetimes .


When the world laughed at my perfectly normal potency; I erupted back like the latently gushing volcano; to defend my incredulously altruistic integrity,

But when the same was venomously ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt like a lifeless corpse; not being able to possess the slightest of my space on planet divine; for an infinite more lifetimes .


When the world laughed at my perfectly normal signature; I flagrantly hissed back like the uncontrolled tornado; to defend my harmoniously spell-binding integrity,

But when the same was bawdily ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt like an impotent illiterate; not being able to ever decipher between innovation and balderdash; for an infinite more lifetimes .


When the world laughed at my perfectly normal sweat; I unstoppably hurled back at them like the highest wave of the stormy sea; to defend my undyingly sparkling integrity,

But when the same was licentiously ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt like the laziest stone on earth; not being able to ever lift or sense my form on this globe; for an infinite more lifetimes .


When the world laughed at my perfectly normal shadow; I indefinitely became the ultimate epitomes of abuse; to defend my enthrallingly robust integrity,

But when the same was satanically ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt like the coffins of oblivion; not being able to ever discover the faintest trace of life; for an infinite more lifetimes .


When the world laughed at my perfectly normal passion; I snarled back like the most disastrous guffaws of hell; to defend my blissfully sacrosanct integrity,

But when the same was diabolically ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt like the vials of non-existent poison; not being able to inhale breath even in an atmosphere of sole oxygen; for an infinite more lifetimes .


And when the world laughed at my perfectly normal love; I gave them back a piece of my mind which was as sharp as the tip of a billion knives; to defend my ubiquitously unparalleled integrity,

But when the same was wretchedly ridiculed by my very own beloved; I felt like a mortuary of lies; not being able to ever unite my heart with any other thing on this Universe; for an infinite more lifetimes