You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 4 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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When I used my mind; I sagaciously manipulated the various nuances of clambering up the treacherous mountain; as the chances of survival were bizarrely slim,

While when I listened to my heart; not only did it clamber up the jagged periphery with exhilarated zeal; but emerged triumphant on the astronomical summit; with the Sun streaming across my eyes in its dazzling shine .


When I used my mind; I contemplated several times of venturing out in the gruesome darkness; the deathly chill that awaited to incarcerate me; as I alighted my foot on the deserted streets,

While when I listened to my heart; not only did I trespass through the entire planet bare foot; but thoroughly enjoyed the exotic rhapsody of the enchantingly pearly moonlight .


When I used my mind; I ruminated till eternity before plunging into the undulating ocean; equating the chances I had to survive; amidst a battalion of hostile sharks and whales,

While when I listened to my heart; not only did I swim ebulliently against the voluptuously mesmerizing waves; but profusely admired the beauty of God's

fathomless creation of froth .


When I used my mind; I trembled in inexplicable fear of wading through the dense jungles; the overwhelmingly torturous death that would come inevitably; as the Lion pulverized me to infinitesimal pieces,

While when I listened to my heart; not only did I bounce exuberantly with the Kangaroos; but inhaled in my lungs the freshest air ever; that could be found on

the trajectory of this Universe .


When I used my mind; I vehemently shrugged off the prospect of standing in the rain; perceiving the cloudbursts of satanic lightening creeping diabolically to assassinate traces of my vital life,

While when I listened to my heart; not only did I bathe in the seductively tantalizing droplets; but slipped into a land of fabulously gorgeous fantasy for decades unfathomable .


When I used my mind; I felt a wave of repulsion engulfing myself; as I knew my ugly facial contours would shatter any glass when sighted into,

While when I listened to my heart; not only did I stare relentlessly into the mirror; but bowed down to the Creator in meek submission; for the incomprehensibly beautiful looks he had bestowed me with .


When I used my mind; I deliberately closed my nose with repugnant abhorrence; spurious ruminating upon the myriad of venomous smells that would strangulate

me to realms of perennial death,

While when I listened to my heart; not only did I breathe with a fervor more than any entity trespassing; but insurmountably relished the unfathomably wonderful scents that loitered in free space .


When I used my mind; I sat crouched in one obsolete dilapidated corner; cognizing the barricades that I was likely to encounter at each stage of life; the blanket of thorns that I would have to trespass upon to escalate to the corridors of success,

While when I listened to my heart; not only did I stretch my persona to more than its complete height; but metamorphosed each of my dreams into a trend-setting reality .


When I used my mind; I always shirked from proclaiming my love to the girl I loved; feeling myself buried boundless feet beneath my corpse; as the society would

brutally squelch me for violating their irrefutable choice,

While when I listened to my heart; not only did I achieve the love of my life; but bonded for times immortal in the swirl of majestically soaring passion; in the swirl of timelessly enchanting romance .