You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 4 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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There was nobody on this fathomless Universe as passionate about poignant rain; as the thunderously reverberating conglomerate of crimson clouds,


There was nobody on this colossal Universe as passionate about sweltering sands; as the majestically sprawling islands of the tenaciously glistening deserts,


There was nobody on this gigantic Universe as passionate about exuberant wind; as the vivaciously rustling leaves of the magnificently blossoming tree,


There was nobody on this boundless Universe as passionate about piquantly rejuvenating salt; as the unsurpassably glorious and ravishingly undulating oceans,


There was nobody on this unfathomable Universe as passionate about astoundingly bedazzling light; as the tumultuously fulminating fireball of golden Sun,


There was nobody on this gregarious Universe as passionate about silken scent; as the enchantingly everlasting rose; unveiling its whirlpool of untamed artistry; under the resplendent light of the milky moon,


There was nobody on this unending Universe as passionate about handsomely gurgling froth; as the mystically wonderful waterfall; mesmerizing one and

all in the swirl of its princely cascade,


There was nobody on this Herculean Universe as passionate about regale evening; as the ethereally inscrutable horizons; diffusing the essence of synergistic equality to far and wide across this celestial earth,


There was nobody on this amiable Universe as passionate about slithering mysticism; as the marvelously gliding serpent; rhetorically coiling into surreptitious folds; to entice the heart of the night,


There was nobody on this limitless Universe as passionate about innocuous mischief; as the impeccably vibrant child; unrelentingly discovering an incomprehensible entrenchment of newness on every step that it charismatically tread,


There was nobody on this eclectic Universe as passionate about wavering enigma; as the uncannily vivid shadow; aristocratically tingling every sagging visage; with cisterns of exotic wonderment,


There was nobody on this divinely Universe as passionate about sacrosanct motherland; as the patriotically blazing soldier; unflinchingly towering

upon the diabolical traitors; till the very last iota of his blessed breath,

There was nobody on this timeless Universe as passionate about united strength; as the tenaciously towering mountains; symbiotically withstanding the most acrimonious of storms; sequestering millions of innocent masses from agonizing pain,


There was nobody on this redolent Universe as passionate about expressing emotions; as the compassionately heartfelt writer; incredulously weaving a tale of superbly effusive artistry; portraying the inner most feelings of his heart,


There was nobody on this charismatic Universe as passionate about the freshly born baby; as the godly mother; who miraculously nourished it with her very

own blood; for a persevering 9 months,


There was nobody on this astronomical Universe as passionate about immaculate milk; as the sacredly munching cow; surviving itself on nimble grass; to bequeath upon the world the most priceless elixir of life,


There was nobody on this endowing Universe as passionate about scintillating pearls; as the fantastically pristine oyster; harboring it for centuries immemorial; from even the most diminutive trace of malice,


There was nobody on this vast Universe as passionate about spell binding breath; as the chapter of tirelessly ebullient life; sprouting into a fountain of melody as each instant royally unleashed by,


And there was nobody on this twinkling Universe as passionate about immortal love; as the ardently throbbing heart; unassailably bonding each of its magical beats with beauty and freshness; sensuously lighting the trail of an insatiably uncurbed romance .