You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 4 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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It was not the unbelievably long road that criminally tired you; the grain of nonchalantly sluggish sand in your dastardly shoe; was the quintessential culprit



It was not the fathomlessly endless sky that parasitically nonplussed you; the cloud of decrepit  isolation in your fecklessly spurious brain; was the cardinal culprit instead,


It was not the limitlessly sweltering desert that disdainfully charred you; the heat of treacherously pulverizing prejudice in your soul; was the dogmatic culprit instead,


It was not the unfathomably towering mountain that entirely gobbled you; the slope of baselessly slavering fear in your bones; was the invidious culprit instead,


It was not the inexhaustible wind of winter that disastrously squelched you; the chill of deathly isolation in every ingredient of your blood; was the irrevocable culprit instead,


It was not brilliantly unending sunshine that tanned and perplexed you; the ray of worthless snobbishness in every of your stride; was the immutable culprit instead,


It was not the boundless swirl of the ocean that preposterously drowned you; the salt of acrimoniously lecherous hatred in the dormitories of your conscience; was

the vituperative culprit instead,


It was not the unceasing graveyard that venomously jinxed you; the ghost of balderdash fear in your fretfully quavering persona; was the untamed culprit



It was not inexhaustibly overwhelming midnight that insidiously frightened you; the blackness of uxoriously insane insecurity infront of your eyes; was the massacring culprit instead,


It was not continuously barren land that ludicrously withered you; the infertility of holistic expression enshrouding your countenance; was the intransigent culprit instead,


It was not relentlessly vociferous storms that derogatorily uprooted you; the cataclysmically uncontrollable spirit of betrayal in your reflection; was the clandestine culprit instead,


It was not the jet black fleet of cats that unstoppably cursed you; the meow-meow of sleazy superstition in every aspect of your existence; was the incarcerating culprit instead,


It was not the unsurpassably arcane forest that defeated you; the wilderness of salaciously cannibalistic desire in your imagination; was the diabolical culprit instead,


It was not the stupendously tall lavatory seat that shooed you; the stink of maniacally decrepit politics in each globule of your unceremonious sweat; was the barbarous culprit instead,


It was not the indefatigably revolving ceiling fan which unsparingly excoriated you; the blades of depravingly sadistic chauvinism in the center of your chest; were

the murderous culprit instead,


It was not tirelessly diffusing sound that decimated you; the noise of deliriously obsessive idiosyncrasy radiating from every element of your conscience; was

the notorious culprit instead,


It was not inexorably patriotic war that swiped you; the battlefield of hedonistically decrepit corruption on which you stupidly transgressed; was the surreptitious culprit instead,


It was not timelessly unfurling life which crippled you; the breath of untruthfully tyrannical deceit emanating from your beleaguered nostrils; was the cowardly culprit,


And it was not fathomlessly never-ending love that lethally melted you; the beat of maliciously profane betrayal lingering in your vindictively bellicose heart; was the irretrievable culprit instead .