You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 4 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Dead beyond description are those living eyes; which tirelessly harbor the swords of indiscriminately terrorizing hatred and satanic prejudice,


Dead beyond description are those living ears; which rapaciously yearn to hear the brutally asphyxiated cries of the pricelessly innocent; every unfurling minute of the day as well as in the ingredients of blackened night,


Dead beyond description are those living lips; which remain as frozen as heartlessly white ice; even as enchantingly golden rays of the blazing Sun; compassionately embraced every organism on earth; handsomely alike,


Dead beyond description are those living feet; which ludicrously rot in the corpses of cowardice; even as the earth on which they tread was being unsparingly molested by hedonistically torturous traitors of mankind,


Dead beyond description are those living fingers; which mercilessly strangulate the divinely silhouette of newborn life; in order to reign spuriously supreme for an infinite more non-existent lifetimes,


Dead beyond description are those living teeth; which barbarously pulverize wonderfully evolving life of the womb; on the sadistic pretext of it not belonging to

their vindictively castigating religion,


Dead beyond description are those living veins; which salaciously betray even the most perpetually bonding of relationships; for just an infinitesimally tawdry

bundle of feckless currency notes,


Dead beyond description are those living shoulders; which listlessly while away every blessed moment of their existence; carrying the coffins of unsurpassably massacring lies,


Dead beyond description are those living eyelids; which bat down in due obeisance to the world of anarchically decrepit corruption and the mortuary of wickedly wastrel politics,


Dead beyond description are those living shadows; which devilishly pretend as parasitically delinquent ghosts; scurrilously scaring holistically breathing mankind without any ostensible reason or rhyme,


Dead beyond description are those living nails; which diabolically erase every effulgently mesmerizing destiny line of the palm; with insidiously

traumatizing slavery of the most unprecedented degree,

Dead beyond description are those living cheeks; which metamorphose into fretfully lackadaisical and amorphously decaying skeletons; even when embraced by the most perennially coalescing of camaraderie,


Dead beyond description are those living intestines; which solely feast on other’s happiness; menacingly waiting their moment to devour every trace of unparalleled ebullience into the unforgiving pyre of murderous hell,


Dead beyond description are those living nostrils; which waft venomously  pugnacious blood; endlessly wanting to curse even the most mercurial speck of

civilization with worthless insanity and ominously castigated malice,


Dead beyond description are those living tongues; which relentlessly wail for the cause of vituperatively bawdy injustice; egregiously marauding the fabric of eternally resplendent truth from every conceivable side,


Dead beyond description are those living skins; which are unimaginably numb to even the most effusively heart-rendering cries of whipped humanity; celebrating

till fathomless heights above the heavens even as the closest of their kin evaporated,


Dead beyond description are those living souls; which unrelentingly foster the spirit of cannibalistic war and rampant bloodshed; uncouthly baying for their compatriot’s blood; even when the Creator afforded them with a majestic survival to thrive,


Dead beyond description are those living arms; which intransigently dig graves of malevolently treacherous fanaticism all day; instead of gloriously perspiring

under the Omnipotently golden Sun,


And dead beyond description are those living hearts; which throb unceasingly and till the very end of their destined times all right; but from whom culminated

only the beats of savagely slandering betrayal; in whom there resided nothing but vultures of emotionless hell .