You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 4 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Once a failure; not necessary that always a gorily disoriented failure; being lambasted in the aisles of horrendous nothingness,


Once a loss; not necessary that always a hideously unsavory loss; crucifying you beyond the realms of pricelessly impregnable existence,


Once an abusing; not necessary that always a derogatorily unceremonious abusing; brutally kicking you like an infinitesimally frigid matchstick; towards the coffins of morbid hell,


Once an isolation; not necessary that always a remorsefully dastardly isolation; abjectly obfuscating you from the quintessentially glorious fabric of the

symbiotic planet outside,


Once a sidelining; not necessary that always a preposterously delinquent sidelining; incarcerating you in chains of disastrously ominous despair while the entire earth uninhibitedly freaked outside,


Once a torture; not necessary that always a sadistically cacophonic torture; making every unfurling instant of your fantastically embellished existence worse than a countless hapless deaths,


Once a betrayal; not necessary that always a fretfully tyrannizing betrayal; burying you wholesomely alive in the parasitically decaying grave,


Once a criminal; not necessary that always a vindictively insane criminal; cadaverously

perpetuating into the sky of fathomlessly invincible truth,


Once a cannibalistic; not necessary that always a turgidly decrepit cannibalistic; ruthlessly excoriating apart innocuously celestial flesh; into a boundless bits of inconspicuous oblivion,


Once a backbencher; not necessary that always a lugubriously inane backbencher; unsurpassably yawning in indolent ignominy while the earth burgeoned into a

spell bindingly golden tomorrow,


Once a tail; not necessary that always an egregiously shy tail; curled a limitless kilometers inside the legs; at even the most ethereal innuendo of enchanting



Once a laggard; not necessary that always a licentiously heinous laggard; slavering like a salacious leech at every aspect of inscrutably resplendent life,

Once an unemployed; not necessary that always a fragrantly baseless unemployed; nonchalantly staring into lackadaisical bits of skull-less space for hours immemorial,


Once a corpse; not necessary that always a treacherously ghoulish corpse; fecklessly quavering in the mortuaries of intransigently endless and dismally asphyxiating despair,


Once a stone; not necessary that always an languidly lackluster stone; crumbling in lecherously dumb silence till the last puff of enchantingly iridescent life,


Once a curmudgeon; not necessary that always a scornfully wailing curmudgeon; irrevocably tossing and turning in uncontrollably maniacal frustration and



Once an impotent; not necessary that always a vituperatively laconic impotent; squelching the brakes of the perfidiously whipping devil upon the Omnipotent

Lord’s chapters of; unbelievably blessing creation,


Once a teardrop; not necessary that always a banefully agonizing teardrop; carnivorously circumscribed by a gutter of misery throughout every unleashing moment of fantastically effulgent life,


But once in love; means forever and ever and ever embracing its immortally altruistic swirl; means forever and ever and ever letting the winds of its magically mitigating goodness caress your impoverished soul; means forever and ever and ever existing as the most priceless organism ever alive; means forever and ever and ever and for an fathomless more births of yours; always in LOVE .