You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 4 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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When I took one step forward towards the Sun; I fell back like thunderbolts of lightening; charred to an inconspicuous speck in the swirl of its stringently

sizzling rays,


When I took one step forward towards the Moon; I transited into a stupendously ravishing reverie in its profound shimmer; staggering inevitably towards realms

of inevitable unconsciousness,


When I took one step forward towards the volcano; I wafted into infinitesimal corridors of remote oblivion; thoroughly whipped by its gruesomely fulminating aura,


When I took one step forward towards the well; I abruptly found myself engulfed by a fleet of hostile crocodile; the diabolically forlorn waters trying to strangulate my body from all sides,


When I took one step forward towards the mirage; I soon realized I had been horrendously tricked; and all that I was able to capsize was sultry currents of

sweltering blank atmosphere,


When I took one step forward towards the thorn; I pierced the intricately rubicund skin of my foot; and a stream of crimson blood began to profusely ooze from

my despairing caricature,


When I took one step forward towards the ghost; I was encapsulated by a severely debilitating fever; with a wave of inexplicable disease lingering incessantly around my innocuous persona,


When I took one step forward towards the dinosaur; he pulverized me till my last bone had blended wholesomely with soil; blowing my existence forever from this planet; like bristles of the broomstick,


When I took one step forward towards sinking sand; I felt myself plummeting down towards the innermost belly of satanic mud; before even I had time to speak; the names of whom I overwhelmingly loved,


When I took one step forward towards the waves; I inadvertently stumbled into the tumultuously violent storm; and soon witnessed the menacing jaws of shark

marching down my throat,


When I took one step forward towards the rainbow; I found myself so profoundly entrenched by an infinite myriad of colors; that I almost forgot my original

identity in pragmatic life,

When I took one step forward towards the shattered glass; I glimpsed all contours of my countenance distorted hideously beyond the realms of ugliness; propelling me to swoon on the ground in sheer disbelief,


When I took one step forward towards the evening; I discovered nothing but morbid darkness; and an uncouthly eerie silence that confronted me; in whichever direction I transgressed,


When I took one step forward towards treacherous lies; after a while I found myself so pathetically entangled by the blanket of heinous lechery; that I even forgot to pronounce my name correctly,


When I took one step forward towards the serpents den; the blood in my veins froze in its very roots; as the  venomous monster slapped me viciously with its mystical tongue,


When I took one step forward towards the ant; the diminutive parasite suddenly coalesced with infinite more of its kind; metamorphosed the skin of my cheeks

into a perpetual crimson; making my head bow down before my teacher in shame,


When I took one step  forward towards the whispering leaves; each part of my visage was inundated with unfathomable frustration; as I simply couldn’t make head or tail of the message they were trying to convey,


When I took one step forward towards the grave; I rebounded back countless feet in fraction seconds; as the unbearable agony of seeing my loved ones buried;

made me relinquish all traces of life, 


While when I took one step forward towards my beloved; it was for the first time that each step of mine transformed into boundless more; and I kept marching with an invincible conviction; chanting the virtue of immortal love; till the last breath from my body flowed .