You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 5 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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When I unfastened the buttons of the sky; there came cloudbursts of rain turbulently pelting down on the parched ground,


When I unfastened the buttons of the soil; all that lay there was fecund chunks of mud blended with ravishing worm and mystical light,


When I unfastened the buttons of the towering castle; there unfolded a grandiloquent extravaganza before my eyes; oligarchic tapestry and an insurmountably royal

ambience was all that touched my innermost senses,


When I unfastened the button of the voluptuously brown cola; there was a fountain of tangy spray that blasted out; to impart incomprehensible rejuvenation to my

dreary soul,


When I unfastened the button of the gargantuan grandfather clock; the watch abruptly stopped to function; and time seemed to come to a virtual standstill although it was well past dawn,


When I unfastened the buttons of the majestically descending parachute; there lay nothing but a flurry of broken bones on the ground; as I hurtled towards

the obdurate soil at a speed faster than that of white light,


When I unfastened the buttons of the ocean; there was an exquisite treasury of coral reef and vivaciously slithering shark that left me in spells of dumbfounded



When I unfastened the buttons of the television; a myriad of enthusing tunes and vibrantly tantalizing pictures left me agglutinated to the silver screen for hours unprecedented,


When I unfastened the buttons of the ancient dungeon; I found myself suddenly encompassed by a festoon of glittering gold and biscuits of shimmering silver; as

I collided with an uncanny thud just inches beside the sacrosanct serpent guarding them with its fangs,


When I unfastened the buttons of the delectable dwelling; my vision became all the more sacred as I sighted my unsurpassably cherished mother,


When I unfastened the buttons of rubicund skin; poignant droplets of blood oozed out in torrents of rampant frenzy,


When I unfastened the buttons of the colossal ship; the boat eventually lost its synchronized balance; sank to the rock bottom of the ocean like a bullet fired from the sky,


When I unfastened the buttons of the cloistered bedroom window; a stringent beam of dazzling sunshine crept inside in splendid unison; shrugging off all the languid exhaustion that had uselessly circumvented my soul,


When I unfastened the buttons of the sleeping lotus; there wafted a stupendously seductive odor of rose in the air; deluging my morbid life with tons of

excitement and enthralling happiness,


When I unfastened the buttons of the slippery web; a potbellied black spider brusquely fell on my robust palms; sending me into waves of ecstatic rhapsody,


When I unfastened the buttons of the gorgeous valley; an thunderously loud echo reverberated incessantly; piercing the soft carpet of wind to clash like violent

sparks into the hills,


When I unfastened the buttons of my office shirt; I was left freezing on the snow clad streets; audaciously portraying my shriveled muscle like a deplorable skeleton pole,


When I unfastened the buttons of painstakingly creeping time; I astoundingly found myself perched near my grave; when infact I hadn't even matured past the threshold of impetuous youth,


But the best happened when I unfastened the buttons of her heart; for all that I found there was only my picture; an immortal love and craving for me

passionately pulsating; for many more centuries to blissfully unfold .