You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 5 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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You are a mesmerizing fairy; that keeps incessantly coming in each of my dreams,


You are an innocuously sweet angel; making me bask in the glory of my blissful childhood,


You are a delectably enchanting cloud; which floats poignantly all day; encompassing each corner of my eye,


You are a star that keeps indefatigably shining in the azure sky; profusely illuminating my every single night,


You are a voluptuous carpet of scarlet roses; that wafted stupendously exotic scent for me to inhale each hour,


You are a majestically clashing ocean; which inundates every unleashing minute of my life with unprecedented ecstasy,


You are an incredible painting; which blesses my life with vivacious shades of  effusively vibrant color,


You are tantalizing droplets of rain; which imparts me with an indomitable ardor to surge forward audaciously in every aspect of existence,


You are a field of impeccably shimmering cotton; that generates the sacred virtue of honesty in my wretched conscience,


You are a brilliant beam of unconquerable sunlight; that filters with divinely grace into my cloistered and gloomy heart,


You are a golden globule of honey; that makes me profoundly glisten in the sweetness of omnipotent life,


You are a ravishing peacock; that entices me every instant; into cloudbursts of fantasy as you unveiled your coat of silken feathers to a complete blossom,


You are a spring of celestial water; that pacifies my overwhelmingly parched senses; with heavenly love and perpetual care,


You are a astonishingly seductive and cheeky nightingale; which permeates my dreary soul; with enchanting tunes for times immemorial,


You are an island of rejuvenating spice; which doesn't leave any scope in my life to be the slightest despondent or dejected,


You are a festoon of royally scintillating pearls; that foments me to rhapsodically philander across every nook and cranny of this colossal earth,


You are an idol of irrefutable truth; whom I leaned upon in my times of inexplicable distress and traumatized pain,


You are an sacrosanct entity; who has nothing but unfathomable love in your turbulently palpitating heart,


But more importantly than anything; you have a distinction perhaps even more than God in my life; as YOU ARE MY BELOVED .