You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 5 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I didn’t want to capture her eyelashes; the ostentatious mascara delectably embellishing her nimble lids,


I didn’t want to capture her skin; which glowed to an overwhelmingly voluptuous crimson under the impact of garishly personified talcum powder,


I didn’t want to capture her lips; which had profuse coating of pretentiously sleazy lipstick,


I didn’t want to capture her hair; which had bombastic coatings of contemporary hair dye,


I didn’t want to capture her waist; which danced tantalizingly enveloped by chains of haughty silver,


I didn’t want to capture her earlobes; swishing daintily with opulent emeralds of sapphire green; procured fresh from the sea,


I didn’t want to capture her palms; embossed with mystical designs available rampantly in the contemporary market,


I didn’t want to capture her breath; which was now blended with the most alluring of artificial sandalwood perfume,


I didn’t want to capture her fingers; which were adorned with a myriad of pompously glittering rings,


I didn’t want to capture her voice; which had profound traces of a deliberately pernicious slang embedded in it,


I didn’t want to capture her teeth; which had prominent encapsulations of the most expensive paste adhering them,


I didn’t want to capture her muscle; which had evolved over a period of time; after her voracious consumption of exorbitantly costly steroids,


I didn’t want to capture her shadow; as it meekly coalesced with obsolete oblivion without the most minuscule of prior notice,


I didn’t want to capture her sweat; which was incredulously scented with the boundless repertoire of body lotions she used; literally every unfurling

minute of the marathon day; every time before she closed her eyes for the sultry night,


I didn’t want to capture her cheeks; which were indiscriminately inundated with truck loads of pertinent chemical sprays,


I didn’t want to capture her saliva; which had obnoxious traces of foreign chewing gum and cherry,


I didn’t want to capture her nails; which were painted with the most gaudily conventional nail polish available in the trendy market,


I didn’t want to capture her conscience; which had inevitably become manipulative; as she struggled for her existence in this uncouth world,


Although each part of her body appeared artificial; there was definitely one thing that I wanted to capture; and that was her heart; longing and thunderously throbbing wilder than the most wildest of storm; more importantly than anything rendering me the complete control of its passionate beats .