You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 5 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Let a magician come in front of you; trying to cast a spell on your mesmerizing countenance; with his unfathomable flurry of ingenious tricks,


Let the clouds be attracted inevitably towards your voluptuous voice; trying their best to impress you upon with tantalizing globules of rain,


Let a battalion of handsome snakes slither around you; endeavoring to entrench you in the swirl of their mystically enchanting hood,


Let the mightily colossal waves of the ocean clash against your divinely form; trying to engulf you in the aura of tumultuously tangy froth,


Still come what may; nobody on this earth could ever touch you; as your immortal love would not only be for this life; but for infinite lives; always be mine .


Let the desert sands fly in rampant frenzy; insatiably wishing to stick on your immaculately glowing skin,


Let majestic eagles in the sky build their nest above your dwelling; trying to have a surreptitious glimpse of you; after pearly midnight,


Let the turbulent breeze deliberately kiss you as it passed; basking in the glory of its spuriously passionate rendezvous,


Let the needles of the grandiloquently colonial clock stop in anticipation of you to awaken; tick at wild velocities when you wanted time to fly,


Still come what may; nobody on this earth could ever touch you; as your immortal love would not only be for this life; but for infinite lives; always be mine .


Let the Sun try and incarcerate you in its web of flamboyantly fiery rays; trying to blind you wholesomely with the astronomical tenacity of its light,


Let the grass voluptuously tickle your soles; secretly enjoying your ravishing warmth as you trespassed like an angel through its green stalks,


Let the owl stare unrelentingly at you for hours immemorial; trying to hypnotize you with its enigmatically crystalline eyes,


Let the avalanche of snow melt in torrential frenzy; to evoke sympathy; as you cast your impeccable eyes upon its manipulative demeanor,


Still come what may; nobody on this earth could ever touch you; as your immortal love would not only be for this life; but for infinite lives; always be mine . 


Let all the mouths on this planet shout to their hearts content; trying to win you by the overwhelming domination in their tone,


Let the society starve you to unprecedented limits; in order to enforce upon you; the partner of their dictatorial choice,


Let the streams cascading down from the mountains change their direction; to flow across the sacred paths you celestially tread,


Let every activity on this Universe come to an abrupt standstill; every tangible eyeball rivet to your irrefutably poignant visage; trembling in uncontrollable agony to make you the queen of their hearts,


Still come what may; nobody on this earth could ever touch you; as your immortal love would not only be for this life; but for infinite lives; always be mine .