You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 5 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I knew her better than I knew the lines of my palm; which I sighted unrelentingly each minute of the day,


I knew her better than I knew my ability to voraciously talk; explicitly uttering more than a million sentences a day,


I knew her better than I knew the complexion of my skin; the rubicund tinge and the robust glow that I had overwhelmingly enjoyed since many years,


I knew her better than I knew my shadow; the inscrutably enchanting form that had been following me since eternity; in brilliant shades of sunlight,


I knew her better than I knew the food trapped in my dainty stomach; the appetizing blend of roasted vegetables and fruit juice that I had consumed just a few minutes ago,


I knew her better than I knew my conglomerate of fortified bones; incorporating loads of impregnable strength,


I knew her better than I knew my eyes; the unfathomable hours they could remain awake; sight and prudently discern astounding beauty wandering in this vast Universe,


I knew her better than I knew my crimson blood; the voluptuous stream that painstakingly gushed out; when I scraped against an acrimonious thorn,


I knew her better than I knew my legs; the robust pinches of exhilaration encapsulated inside; the fervent longing besieging them to shrug all inhibitions and thunderously run,


I knew her better than I knew my silver sweat; the rhapsodic perspiration that ran down my arms; everytime I conquered new summits in life,


I knew her better than I knew my mystical whisper; the hushed tones in which I furtively communicated with my sacrosanct Creator every morning as I woke

up from sedate sleep,


I knew her better than I knew my deafening yawn; the laziness that rampantly permeated my persona; after toiling the entire day under sweltering rays of the

pugnacious Sun,


I knew her better than I knew my ambitions; the insatiable urge in my demeanor to blatantly trespass over acrid milestones,


I knew her better than I knew my luscious lips; the tantalizing charm that camouflaged them; made them the darling of whomsoever who caressed their lingering softness,


I knew her better than I knew my fortress of scintillating teeth; the inevitable tenacity they possessed to scrupulously crunch the meal of their choice,


I knew her better than I knew my ability to relentlessly write; emboss spell binding verses of blossoming poetry every early morning and late night,


I knew her better than I knew the noise produced when I clapped; harmoniously united both hands of mine to inundate the still ambience with triumphant sound,


I knew her better than I knew my heart beat; the infinite number of times in a day it turbulently palpitated; the volatile energy it imparted to my dreary soul to inch forward and holistically survive,


And I knew her better than I knew my breath; the very minuscule draught of air which I had inhaled unsurpassable number of times since the time I was born; infact the very reason that I was merrily writing and living today .