You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 5 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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All that the fish wanted to see; was a colossal assemblage of salty water inundated with a flurry of undulating and tangy waves,


All that the bird wanted to see; was the gigantic expanse of blue sky packed with an voluptuous ensemble of misty clouds,


All that the crocodile wanted to see; was disdainfully garbled slurry of mud; a profoundly sticky track on which people slipped even before they could have



All that the rat wanted to see; was a tunnel engulfed with perennial darkness; a pile blended with sewage; cheese and garbage lying scattered on the streets,


All that the mountain summit wanted to see; was a festoon of ominous clouds; with sometimes glimpses of brilliantly sizzling hot sunshine,


All that the carrot wanted to see; was a blanket of clammy mud; varied piles of debris coalesced perfectly with soil,


All that the miserly caterpillar wanted see; was a trail of fresh farm crops; sprouting in splendid harmony on farm land; for it to nibble and chew,


All that the ducks wanted see; was placid pools of water around; an enchanting serenity lingering profusely in the atmosphere,


All that a starved dog wanted see; was a meaty piece of bone; crumbs of delicious bread left inadvertently on the bakery window,


All that the lizard wanted see; was a battalion of slimy insects pertinently hovering around the artificially dingy and dim light,


All that the mighty elephant wanted to see; was a stream of exotic water; which it could splash with heavenly strokes of its trunk on its parched body,


All that the bull wanted to see; was a fiery red cloth; evoking it to ferociously charge and wade forward unrelentingly,


All that the deserts wanted to see; was thunderous cloudbursts of rain; gargantuan droplets of water majestically caressing their brutally scorched demeanor,


All that the spider wanted to see; was a valley of silken thread; on which it could rampantly philander and dance under enchanting beams of moonlight,

All that the shivering skin wanted to see; was compassionate rolls of furry cloth; lanky strands of resilient fabric which would protect it from austerely chilly winds of winter,


All that the blinded eye wanted to see; was the faces of the ones around who stood by it in times of inexplicable distress; the sacrosanct palms of the mother who gave it birth,


All that the mind wanted to see; was the mesmerizing beauty of this boundless Universe; the stupendously vivacious traces of life that existed in bountiful on

this fathomless planet,


All that the vividly striped peacock wanted to see; was royally oligarchic sunset blended astoundingly with frugal globules of rain; fomenting it to spread its wings to a full blossom under the sky,


All that the fleet of irascibly loitering mosquitoes wanted to see; was supple and succulent pockets of ripe skin; inevitably inviting them to perch upon and suckle blood to their hearts content,


All that the badly tied stomach wanted to see; was heaps of appetizing food; transiting it into waves of tumultuous rhapsody and uncontrollable euphoria,


All that the dilapidated dungeons wanted to see; was mammoth boxes of scintillating diamonds and silver permeating their eerie dark and profound gloominess,


All that the elderly grandparents wanted to see; was their little children bouncing with ebullience and fresh signs of robust life,


All that the burnt tongue wanted to see; was tantalizingly pulverized white slabs of freezing ice,


All that the overwhelmingly feverish body wanted to see; was stringent cabinets replete with powerful antiseptic; magically healing its gruesomely ailing parts,


All that the Creator wanted to see; was the earth that he had evolved blissfully functioning; human beings of each race and fraternity embracing each other in the

spirit of unbiased brotherhood,


And all that I wanted to see; was her ravishing form every second; every minute; every hour; every day; every fortnight; every year; for countless more centuries and births to unveil .