You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 5 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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When I tried running on a platform of white ice; I scornfully slipped; and in the end all that I was able to taste was incredulously frozen water,


When I tried running on a platform of tangy salt; I inevitably lost my footing; and there was nothing but vivaciously ominous powder all over my trembling skin,


When I tried running on a platform of brilliantly yellow and pure butter; I hurled forward with a stifled gasp after some time; with the follicles of my hair incorrigibly sticking to each other like the gigantic tree and its flimsy roots,


When I tried running on a platform of scintillating glass; I abysmally floundered; tripped head on to have my supple skin ruthlessly punctured and in pools of

ghastly blood,


When I tried running on a platform of feathered silk; I dismally broke the bones of my dainty nose; and my eyeballs popped out like bouncy springs reverberating

incessantly in free space,


When I tried running on a platform of silver sands; I collapsed with a thunderous thud on the obdurate floor; with my shoe flying over my shoulder and all my

expensive pair of clothes ripping apart mercilessly at their sensitive seams,


When I tried running on a platform of slimy oyster shells; I heard a deafeningly banging noise inundate the atmosphere; winced in incomprehensible amount of

agony after twisting my knee to unprecedented limits,


When I tried running on a platform of astoundingly smooth talcum powder; I fell 10 steps backward instead of marching towards realms of irrefutably victory,


When I tried running on a platform of disdainful grease; I kept intractably jogging at a single spot for hours on the trot; while infact all my adversaries had already reached the voluptuous strings of the finishing line,


When I tried running on a platform of satiny white paper; there were infinite obstreperous and unruly voices that deluged the soft ambience; and all that

resulted as an outcome was prominently gaping holes in the body of the sheet which now fitted snugly on my scalp,


When I tried running on a platform of rolling marbles; all that was heard after a while was my horrifically petrified screams and gasps as I found myself plunging towards an ocean of gruesome blackness blended with dilapidated nothingness,


When I tried running on a platform of freshly green banana skins; I banged on my hindside with a force greater than the force of Nature; and the complexion of my cheeks metamorphosed to an embarrassingly childish crimson,


When I tried running on a platform of spongy rubber balls; I successfully managed to crush a few in my initial conquests of reaching my mission; but soon shuddered overwhelmingly before kissing dust on the ground; dug partial graves for myself in loose soil,


When I tried running on a platform of lifeless whale skin; I inadvertently shouted beyond hysterical boundaries as if the monster was alive; collided terribly on my ribs as I took just a few steps forward,


When I tried running on a platform of insurmountably red cherries; all I accomplished doing was finely pulverizing the succulent fruit; while the

inconspicuously tiny seeds fomented me to tremble hopelessly towards the cold floor,


When I tried running on a platform of pure Cadbury chocolate; my feet primordially enjoyed transgressing through the supremely soft bed; but after a while got horrendously entangled in the mess; felt as if deplorably sinking into the valley of death,


When I tried running on a platform of glittering diamonds; in the beginning I felt insatiably delighted at possessing such lavish amounts of opulence; but soon regretted my decision tremendously; as their pointed surface uncouthly infiltrated into my heart; satanically assassinating the tiniest traces of tangible life,


When I tried running on a platform of congenital lies; I landed up in such a hell; that it was profoundly sickening to bear with the aftermath's that unleashed

thereafter in my life,


When I tried running on a platform of salacious lechery and malice; I ended up being imprisoned in my own sinful trap; a prison which infact had a gleaming lock without a single key,


While it was only when I tried running on a platform of immortal love; that my life gained full fledged momentum; irrevocably refrained to look backwards; transited to blissfully bouncing and wholesomely alive .