You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 5 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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For me to smile; it was indispensable that her laughter punctuated profoundly beyond; the realms of fathomless sky,


For me to transiently think; it was indispensable that she unrelentingly fantasized; transgressed through the corridors of profusely enigmatic enchantment,


For me to read; it was indispensable that she had mastered all the scriptures on this boundless planet; already written the wordings of handsome tomorrow,


For me to chew; it was indispensable that she had tasted the most voluptuously exotic fruits that were laden on the trees; filling her majestic belly; bountifully beyond the realms of unprecedented contentment,


For me to win; it was indispensable that she was the invincible emperor; incarcerating every living being in the swirl of her celestially captivating countenance,


For me to whisper; it was indispensable that she sang the most stupendously ingratiating rhymes of the forest; mesmerized infinite entities on earth with her

rhapsodically mesmerizing voice,


For me to flirt; it was indispensable that she loved till times beyond this globe existed; languished in the aisles of insatiable desire with her soul mate,


For me to walk; it was indispensable that she had exuberantly explored every cranny of astronomically gigantic cosmos; tread her dainty foot on the most tantalizing blankets of vibrant yearning,


For me to clap; it was indispensable that she euphorically thumped the air infinite number of times; incessantly bounced on the drums of palpable life for

centuries immemorial,


For me to admire; it was indispensable that she had captured all incredulously fabulous beauty on land in her impeccable eyes; nostalgically reminisced those

moments when she took her first cry as a child,


For me to enjoy; it was indispensable that she relentlessly floated on cloudbursts of mystically surreal imagination; far away from the vagaries of this uncouthly monotonous society,


For me to run; it was indispensable that she fell like streaks of royally white lightening from the sky; instilling a wave of insurmountable passion in every entity lifelessly withering away towards the grave,

For me to feel good; it was indispensable that she relished every unfurling minute of spell binding existence; lived the day to countless hours even beyond the inevitable sunset,


For me to be innocent; it was indispensable that she perennially remained that immaculate angel; ebulliently playing in her mothers lap,


For me to wish; it was indispensable that she acquired all richness that lay embedded in the colossal atmosphere; metamorphosed her every evanescent perception into reality,


For me to adore; it was indispensable that she was the nearest to the Almighty Creator; thoroughly astounded by his unsurpassably vast chapters of creation,


For me to rest; it was indispensable that she possessed the magical prowess of sleeping even when entrenched by heinous viciousness; perpetually remained in a heavenly slumber; which none around could ever break,


For me to foresee; it was indispensable that she was the ultimate master of her own

destiny; lead each instant of her life; to the most unprecedented of her hearts content,


And for me to breathe; it was indispensable that she lived for unfathomable more lives even if I failed to take birth again; benevolently consolidated my attempts of making this earth a better place to live in; even after I lay stone lipped in my grave .