You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 6 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I'm one who's crazy about you; fantasizing you in the most stupendously fabulous forms ever conceivable,


I'm the one who's passionate about you; insatiably craving to blend your heart with mine till times immemorial,


I'm the one who's greedy about you; wanting to incessantly witness your enchanting grace as each second unfurled into a complete minute,


I'm the one who's supremely overwhelmed by you; unable to perceive about anything else except your twin pairs of magnificently sparkling eyes,


I'm the one who's fanatically ardent about you; sitting for indefatigable hours by your side; to hear the tales of your innocuous childhood,


I'm the one who's insurmountably sensitive about you; would try every feasible method existing on this Universe to make you mine,


I'm the one who's always ready for you; uninhibitedly accepting you in the invincible swirl of my arms; even when the planet had rejected you,


I'm the one who's relentlessly working for you; endeavoring my absolute best to sketch you in the most enamoring repertoire of forms; lingering bountifully in the cosmos,


I'm the one who's immortally desiring you; giving you a position grater than the Ultimate Creator; in the realms of my palpitating heart,


I'm the one who's unprecedentedly impressed by you; intransigently iterating your string of benevolently exotic virtues to whomsoever I encountered,


I'm the one who's inexorably possessive about you; mercilessly annihilating the minutest trace of salacious spirit; hovering stealthily round the contours of your impeccable face,


I'm the one who's wholesomely stupefied by you; drowning myself till times beyond eternity into the mesmerizing cadence of your heavenly voice,


I'm the one who's profoundly sympathetic with you; unequivocally commiserating with you; even as the society outside savagely kicked you for no fault of your immaculate soul,


I'm the one who's perpetually remembering you; incorrigibly sealing my mind to all thoughts; other than your incredulously alluring smile,


I'm the one who's unsurpassably pampering you; ensuring that the most inconspicuous of your wail; was compassionately catered to,


I'm the one who's optimistically wistful about you; wishing you nothing less than the very best in every aspect of your life; the days in your destiny yet to blissfully unveil,


I'm the one who's frantically searching for you; not sparing even the most darkest corner of earth; in my incomprehensible attempts to retrieve you,


I'm the one who's tirelessly fighting for you; in order to irrefutably ensure you assimilated the maximum happiness; in God's creation of boundless paradise,


And I'm the one; infact the only one who loves you; dedicating each of my tumultuously throbbing beats to your celestial form; bonding you forever with the body above my bones; and the soul underneath; which had already given its love to you .