You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 6 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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When I asked the serrated skinned crocodile to sketch me; all it ended up doing was; making a gruesomely pulverized shape of my celestial form,


When I asked the clouds in the cosmos to sketch me; all they ended up doing was; making an evanescent image of my countenance; which faded sooner than it had evolved,


When I asked the lecherously silken spider to sketch me; all it ended up doing was; making an inconspicuous thread like image; of my huge visage,


When I asked the profusely buried tree roots to sketch me; all they ended up doing was; making an overwhelmingly blotted caricature of my entity; strewn with fathomless tons of dust,


When I asked the hideous vultures in the sky to sketch me; all they ended up doing was; adding a pair of diabolical wings to my body; which made people around

me run for their lives,


When I asked the army of abominable rats to sketch me; all they ended up doing was; making cocoons of fetidly stinking cheese; of my magnanimously philanthropic

facial contours,


When I asked the ominously savage stray dog to sketch me; all it ended up doing was; making a deliciously meaty bone of my exorbitantly heavy weight body,


When I asked the vivaciously striped croaking frog to sketch me; all it ended up doing was; making a lanky blade of wild grass and blackness; of my robustly sculptured agile framework,


When I asked the infinitesimally diminutive mosquito to sketch me; all it ended up doing was; making a squalidly diseased form; of my supremely redolent demeanor,


When I asked the resplendent blanket of stars to sketch me; all they ended up doing was; making a wildly flickering flame; of my emphatically sonorous presence,


When I asked the mammoth plumes of ghastly bellowing smoke to sketch me; all they ended up doing was; making a unbelievably hostile portrait; of my impeccable persona,


When I asked the gigantic elephant to sketch me; all  it ended up doing was; making an insurmountably opprobrious mushroom; of my majestically domineering form,


When I asked the satanically wading sharks in the ocean to sketch me; all they ended up doing was; making an enigmatic octopus; of my most unsurpassably pragmatic form,


When I asked the melodiously ticking cuckoo clock to sketch me; all it ended up doing was; making an incomprehensibly pathetic numeral; of my insatiably

mystical and surreal brain,


When I asked the seed scattered rampantly on soil to sketch me; all it ended up doing was; making a magical tree producing more of its kind; of my irrefutably pristine visage,


When I asked the thunderously roaring panther to sketch me; all it ended up doing was; making a spuriously blowing whisker; of my boundless conglomerate of authoritative bones,


When I asked the obnoxiously thorny cactus to sketch me; all it ended up doing was; making a gruesomely blistering desert; of my lusciously blossoming body,


When I asked my inimitably sacrosanct mother to sketch me; all she ended up doing was; making an innocuously sleeping child; of my completely grown up form,


But when I asked my divinely immortal beloved to sketch me; she didn’t sketch me at all; ripped apart her heart instead; to show me my candid impression; which had been there since centuries unfathomable; and which she was sure would be always there; everytime she took birth as a human again .