You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 6 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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In order to combat the arrow of abhorrently maiming prejudice; I used the wave of bountifully compassionate and beautifully celestial; companionship,


In order to combat the arrow of baselessly dastardly fear; I used the mountains of unsurpassably fearless and peerlessly unblemished; courage,


In order to combat the arrow of libidinously penalizing raunchiness; I used the scent of righteously scintillating and divinely benign; humanity,


In order to combat the arrow of venomously acrid manipulation; I used the sword of exuberantly unflinching and altruistically blistering; patriotism,


In order to combat the arrow of lasciviously terrorizing drought; I used the cloud of inimitably crimson and gregariously perennial; rain,


In order to combat the arrow of fecklessly frigid depression; I used the sea of rhapsodically untamed and fragrantly effervescent; happiness,


In order to combat the arrow of turgidly brutal monotony; I used the sky of fathomlessly ingratiating and timelessly triumphant; freedom,


In order to combat the arrow of egregiously fetid laziness; I used the mist of spell bindingly exhilarating and blessedly proliferating; newness,


In order to combat the arrow of irrationally indiscriminating greed; I used the mantra of eternally fantastic and benevolently tranquil; selflessness,


In order to combat the arrow of hedonistically salacious slavery; I used the rainbow of vivaciously victorious and irrefutably unassailable; freedom,


In order to combat the arrow of deliriously diabolical insanity; I used the inferno of harmoniously seductive and perpetually symbiotic; mankind,


In order to combat the arrow of lackadaisically directionless dereliction; I used the Sun of timelessly ticking and everlastingly blazing; truth,


In order to combat the arrow of torturously tormenting chauvinism; I used the meadows of holistically placating and impregnably priceless; simplicity,


In order to combat the arrow of vindictively fretful debauchery; I used the tunes of uninhibitedly embracing and ubiquitously uniting; poetry,


In order to combat the arrow of bizarrely estranged commercialism; I used the panacea of vividly efficacious and invincibly bonding; brotherhood,


In order to combat the arrow of treacherously asphyxiating boredom; I used the cisterns of fantastically fantasizing and tantalizingly silken; sensuousness,


In order to combat the arrow of invidiously incarcerating betrayal; I used the tonic of

irretrievably unending and tirelessly unfettered; faith,


In order to combat the arrow of poisonously pernicious death; I used the carpet of surreally enigmatic and bounteously heavenly; life,


But in order to combat the arrow of immortally unshakable love; I didn’t use; not did I ever wanted to use even the most infinitesimal of defense; as I let it wholeheartedly pierce the corridors of my penuriously slavering heart; let it liberate me forever and ever and ever; from the tensions of greedy life; from the aftermaths of ghastly death .