You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 6 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I am  relentlessly asphyxiating in a world of derogatorily stinking politics; with sinfully dastard manipulation invidiously creeping like an inevitable parasite; into the poignantly fresh blood of my veins. Is anybody Listening ?


I am being ruthlessly stabbed by preposterously banal maelstroms of boredom; with the gutter of bizarrely unending corruption; transforming me into a hapless eunuch; although I was born as blazing as the Omnipotently blistering Sun. Is anybody Listening ?


I am feeling like a frigidly inconspicuous mendicant of gruesome shit; in the atmosphere adulterated with venomous cigarette smoke and heinously vicious dust

outside. Is anybody Listening ?


I am penuriously depleted of even the most ethereally infinitesimal of my desires; as brutally tyrannical savagery and crime incessantly kept excoriating; priceless life around. Is anybody Listening ?


I am vindictively stagnating even in the most opulently garnished of castles; as every stone on which its foundation lay was devilishly erected on innocuously pristine blood. Is anybody Listening ?


I am uncouthly reeling under conventionally chauvinistic malpractices; with macabre demons indiscriminately trampling over my nimble form; to transcend beyond the skies of fathomlessly ultimate success. Is anybody Listening ?


I am hedonistically drowning under the waters of blatantly maladroit lies and insane perfidiousness; with absolutely none on this earth today radiating a philanthropically truthful smile. Is anybody Listening ?


I am squirming intransigently on diabolically shivering ground; with my naked skin being satanically lambasted by cleavers of barbaric corruption. Is anybody Listening ?


I am experiencing each unraveling instant of priceless life through the eyes of an insane lunatic; with the germs of cold-blooded communalism being abjectly perpetuate into every cranny of my impoverished soul. Is anybody Listening ?


I am worthlessly wasting precociously innovative moments of my life staring meaninglessly at the abysmal skies; as the chains of indigently ostracizing

unemployment strangulated one and all alike on this colossal planet today. Is anybody Listening ?


I am helplessly slavering on unlimited trash cans of orphaned garbage; frantically searching for those quintessential droplets of compassionate empathy; in eyes which had become sadistically estranged and dried. Is anybody Listening ?


I am inexplicably deteriorating like a diminutively extinguishing matchstick on lackadaisical soil; circumscribed and uxoriously castrated by the bawdiness of spurious religion today. Is anybody Listening ?


I am inexhaustibly begging on the acrimoniously wastrel streets; fervently waiting for those symbiotically unconquerable bonds of brotherhood which had so pathetically diminished from the planet today. Is anybody Listening ?


I am being obnoxiously blown like a molecule of besmirched dust; by powerhouses of wealth; wine; vixen and rapaciously decrepit greed. Is anybody Listening ?


I am being subjected to the most horrifically apocalypses even under brilliantly fearless sunshine; as man roasted another of his blissfully harmonious kind; for just parsimonious wads of tawdry currency coin. Is anybody Listening ?


I am being truculently marred by iconoclastically debasing debauchery from every conceivable end on this gigantic planet; disdainfully stuttering towards ominously flagrant dereliction on every prejudiced step that I transgressed. Is anybody Listening ?


I am fraught with unceasingly maiming anxiety; with the dreadfully ungainly monotony of threadbarely pulverizing office paralyzing every ounce of exhilaration in my bones. Is anybody Listening ?


I am uncontrollably weeping beside the unfortunate graves of my parents and kin; with raw blood dribbling from my eyes as I reminisced the ghastly mob who

torched them alive in the name of religious fanaticism and martyrdom. Is anybody Listening ?


And I am exhaling the very last puffs of breath in my life; as the girl to whom I had immortally dedicated every beat of my passionately thundering heart; left me forever for a man who had a coin extra in his pocket than mine. Is anybody Listening ?